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It was not stressed to use the AM aligner by the dentist. I did use it however, not daily until it became an issue. My lower jaw became advanced so far that it would not comfortably fit back in the aligner. It would not go back where it belonged. 6 months on CPAP, the lower jaw has retracted.
Those TAP devices did not last more than 6 or 7 months and would need to be replaced, I was still grinding. I was given another TAP device to try, during the Pandemic, but it was not alleviating my debilitating headache, facial pain that was undiagnosed for almost 50 years. It did not allow any side to side movement. The dentist got a lab to make the old style TAP that was no officially offering. So yes that was my other concern, when are they going go run out of parts.
Yes cleaning the CPAP is something that most be done. Its a daily chore, but It’s not that big of a deal. I buy distilled water by the case. My motivation to use the CPAP is that I feel great. If I don’t, I know something is wrong, mask needs adjustment. I had days with the TAP devices I felt lousy, more frequent than CPAP, However. I had to keep a spare TAP device for times when they broke because of the lead time for a replacement, it was costly to do this. And I used a machinist’s rule to measure the advance as there was no indication on the TAP, just a hook and eye. If I started feeling crappy, I knew the device was starting to crack and come out of alignment.
It took a long time for me to used to the TAP device. Maybe the amount my airway needs to be opened pushed the limit on those devices and caused them to fail prematurely. All I know is that a feel really good for a change
Almost 5 years with a TAP device. No insurance coverage all out of pocket to pay for devices. 6 months ago I started using a CPAP and haven’t looked back. The. Devices were changing my bite, that was the final straw. I felt better with the devices, but the CPAP has dramatically increased my quality of life. I no longer need blood pressure medication which I find amazing. Best of all, insurance covers the machine , supplies and I pay a very small amount of money compared to the TAP devices.
Thanks Dr. Luigi! I pick up the device tomorrow. I am curious what they found. A little discouraged as this was happening since I got it back in February. With all the virus issues, just Acted on this recently
Tap 3. Device has been going out of adjustment during sleep. Wasn't sure right away what was happening but sure enough it's moving. Been feeling lousy since I started using it. It has been sent back to airway management to onspect. Curious of outcomes others may of had with this issue.
Oh, wow. ok thanks so much for the reply!
Going on two years wearing a tap device. They have been effective in stopping my bruxism and pain. My question is has any one had success with insurance coverage? My insurance says they are covered, the sleep doctor says "they all say that and then do not cover them" . I have an appointment for a third device as they seem to only last year. thanks
it is a form of muscle release. Check it out on the web. the way I understand it, tightened bands of muscle are located, and a thin needle (acupuncture needle ) is inserted and this action causes the muscle to twitch and then release. it worked great for me.
PT, including massage, stretching and dry needling helped me. It took a while to get things calmed down. Hang in there.
That seems to be the issue. It is the adjuster "knob" and also where it mates up with the top half of the tap device. The trays are fine, no odor.
Thanks Dr. Demko. The vodka was for the appliance! I have noticed where the issues are on the device. Seems the odors are coming from partial holes in the device. I am now leaving the adjuster in a position after the cleaning to allow it to dry completely. Seems to be working.