So while I'm on day TWO of my CPAP therapy and I FULLY REALIZE that it will go away in time or require some kind of adjustment to me, machine, or mask, what I'm experiencing is as follows:
With my resmed airsense 10 autoset machine acquired less than 24 hours ago, and phillips respironics nose/mouth mask (and later the nose 'bubble'-type pillow thingy I took home from my sleep study), humidity on 6, hose temp on 82ยบ, and flow on 11...i lay comfortably supine as I drift off and just as I enter "sleep" and exhale, I do not inhale. Within seconds, due to my internal lung alarm, I find myself needing to inhale aggressively because I feel close to passing out...and fighting the positive air pressure in, exhaling is labored so I take a good two big breaths before I'm normal again.
Then as I drift off again (never really making it to 'sleep'), this repeats. For a total of 4 hours and 22 minutes of mask time and recorded are what are meant to be OSA events of 10 per hour (which are really CSA events I assume), I continue with this struggle. A couple hours last night until I just removed the mask and went to sleep on my own (quite restfully, without interruption), and again after I woke at 7:00am for a couple hours with the nose pillow mask instead of the nose/mouth mask...same thing.
So yes, it's day ONE. My studying (substantial since I can't sleep) indicates that CSA is from heart failure, kidney failure, or a host of other illnesses that cause the signal from brain to lung muslces/diaphragm to not fire, which I don't have. Only a couple places like Mayo Clinic suggest the CPAP usage can cause it and that it may simply go away with more CPAP use - which I"m hoping is the case!
SO....what are your experiences with suffocating when trying to sleep with a CPAP? What did you do? How did it go away?
I do not get this when I sleep unaided by the CPAP.