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I also have felt great since the first night with my APAP machine. My AHI was 17.9 events per hour before getting my machine and now ranges from .3 to 3.7 average per hour each night. Even if I only get 5 hours of sleep I feel GREAT compared to how exhausted I was for the last few years. I have actually had 3 nights since getting it last fall that I have slept over 8 hours with good numbers. Yahoo! I am so glad I let my doctor talk me into getting the sleep apnea test! I only wish I had listened to him the first time he suggested it. (I don't fit the stereotype of apnea patients so I was in DENIAL!)
Thanks everyone, for the tips. I found the video link very helpful and a few others that popped up after I watched it. I now know how it is supposed to work. when you are wearing the pillow mask, does it feel like you are breathing normal, or sort of like not as much air goes in on every breath? I keep thinking it is going to suffocate me and then I get my old triangle mask back out. I am not sure if I am just not used to it or if this style doesn't work for me. It took me a couple of weeks to get used to the first one, so maybe I just need to adjust to this new kind.
I am trying the mask with nasal pillows instead of the triangular shaped mask that fits over my entire nose. My new headset came with 3 sizes and they all feel awkward. I am not sure how it is supposed to fit. Do the nasal pillows stick all the way into my nostrils? How do I know if it is in the correct placement? I can't really tell from the directions that came in the box. Could anyone that has this type give me some advice? It is called an Airfit 10.
I also have trouble falling asleep with my mask on. I am not used to it. It feels like it is going to smother me in my sleep. I found that if I hold it out a tiny bit with my hand while I am trying to fall asleep, so I can feel the air blowing, I can fall asleep and then my hand lets go and it seals into place. When I do this, I usually sleep all night with good numbers. I have the triangular shaped mask that fits over my entire nose.