Tucson, Arizona
So quantitatively my AHI dropped from 29 to 4. This was based on before inspire and a 2 month follow up sleep study after activation. Inspire works. You have to have patience and listen to the doc and Inspire team.
I’m great. Still loving my implant.
They do a follow up sleep study 2 to 3 months after the implant to quantify the results. I knew it was working 5 weeks into it. More energy. Lost 25 pounds and I stopped taking naps. Brain fog went away and I felt 10 years younger. I’ve now had it 4 years. Saved my life. Brought my life back.
I had my surgery on Dec 15th of 2017, They Activated my Inspire on Jan 10th. My follow up sleep study proves my Apnea is gone....
I have a ton more energy and stopped falling asleep at my desk... I still wake up a couple times a night, However I am not gasping for air or sleep deprived anymore.... I will tell you up front they are looking at making me an ambassador but I am not one now. I have written my Inspire rep, my doctor and the sleep lab thank you letters, This has truly saved my life. I am only 52 and feared I would have a stroke or heart attack because of my Apnea. I would say go for it. I can't speak of the MRI issues, I am looking at it that this device will make it so I won't need an MRI. Randy
I have had an Inspire implant since Dec of 17 and it was activated Jan 10th of 2018. I have had a follow up sleep study and the results are that my Apnea is gone since I've started using the Inspire Device. My energy level is up and I feel 1000% better. This device saved my life! You may email me at randyliving@hotmail.com I want you to know I had a great surgeon, the company is fantastic to work with and I am great-full to all who helped me!!!