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Yes I do use a heated. Tube. Which is why I wonder if it isn’t working right. Because no matter the setting it always feels cold. I disconnected the so clean and it seemed to be a lot better. so I may just use it the so clean once in a while maybe every other day or something and then disconnect it I’ll see how that works.
I have been a cpap user for 10 years. My old machine was a fisher pakel . It finally died and I ordered a new dream station with the humidifier. My questions are several. But mostly about the humidifier. It has a temp control setting for cold weather. But it does seem to work. I can’t tell ant real difference in the temps no matter the setting. Has anyone else experienced this? Second thing is the humidifier it seems like sometimes it floods me out. Like cold water being emptied into my nose. I have a so clean hooked up to it and use a nasal pillow mask. Also the pressure seems much too high. Much higher than my old machine. What do you all think. Could the so clean be causing these issues?