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Yes. Thanks I am aware. Just wondering what it felt like as an end user. (Overnight study scheduled for next month and dr mentioned I may be switched from cpap to bipap. I used cpap but never bipap and wondered how it felt as an end user with regards to using it in comparison)
Finally have a in clinical study scheduled in 4 weeks. I can't wait to go
What does Bi PAP feel like compared to APAP?
My APAP is not doing a great job for me and I have a feeling that after my next appointment I might end up with another type of device
My ResMed shows me my "events per hour" via the App
I started out with 22 events per hour and raised the pressure to a max of 20
Now I am at 13 events per hour and I get a few hours of use per night.
I cannot go beyond 20 because I would find it not tolerable plus my machine will not go higher than 20
Shall I assume that 13 events per hour is the best I will achieve?
Everyone says it will "take time" .. but what does that really mean?
Do they mean it takes time to get used to the mask and positive pressure (I have done that) OR do they mean it will take time for CPAP therapy to actually work well?
Big difference.
I have same issue. I sleep some then get leaks and struggle with leaks for hours So I take it off Very frustating
My Resmed10 is on autoramp 4-20 The status readout would hit 17 and be green
Doctor changed it to 4-10 Now it gets to 10 and is red
does that mean it's too low?
Dr. Turned on EPR by remote at my request I want it back to off. Think he will get pissed if I turn it back on myself without going through his office?
Great thanks - all this time I thought it searched the Help FAQ's! Appreciate your time
Thanks. Yes, since most people do not know how to use mail filters they think email subscriptions to forums are bad. Too bad because many of us love getting one mail for each post with a reply URL and just filter them in their own inbox and read at our leisure. I always subscribe and each forum gets it's own email folder. Thanks for the information