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silicone seal whistles with air pressure

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JD +0 points · almost 7 years ago Original Poster

I use a BPAP machine with 20 over 9 air pressure. My ahi was 15 when last checked. My problem is I have found only one mask that does seals to my face and does not whistle in the night, the problem is that it is a Puritan-Bennett and not made anymore. I use a nasal mask, not pillows, but have tried all kinds of masks. The biggest problem is not simple leaks it is when the silicone seal vibrates like a reed on a clarinet instrument. The vibration causes a very load squeal and never allows me to sleep thru it. The vibration of the silicone seal against my face is very unnerving. The latest masks I have tried is the Fisher&Paykel "Zest" and the ResMed Mirage Softgel. All of these mask have a very thin silicone seal which causes vibration and noise when I am in various positions. I am mainly a "side" sleeper. I have tried tightening the masks to the point they hurt and also the opposite - very loose. Nothing seems to work. I believe the old PuritanpBennett mask works because the silicone seal is much heavier in thickness than the newer masks. Can anyone give me some advise as to what to do? I am keeping the old Puritan-Bennett mask together with glue and tape, but it will not last forever. It is a "DreamFit DF302". Thanks.

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wiredgeorge +0 points · almost 7 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

I used a Simplus initially and it worked fine except I had to use mask pads; found it never stopped leaking slightly into my eyes and made rude noises otherwise. Mask pads are expensive pieces of tee shirt cotton and cut to the rough shape of your mask. They keep air out of your eyes and no noises and small leaks become un-noticeable. I now use an Amara View and get few leaks and don't need to use mask pads. Doubt you could use pads the way the mask is configured; no noises or leaks into my eyes. Did take buying the different sized cushions till I found the right one. I keep the mask on snug and live with the strap marks on my otherwise ugly kisser. Oh yeah, my pressure is 25/21.

As far as your AHI, not so good. You are NOT breathing 15 times an hour. You might like to visit with a sleep doc and get a new titration study done; the one where they vary set up and pressures and see if you can do a bit better as this is a serious health issue.

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JD +0 points · almost 7 years ago Original Poster

Is the Amara View a full face or nasal mask?

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wiredgeorge +0 points · almost 7 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

It is classified as a full face but doesn't have a center pillar. The mask just fits up under your nose and covers your mouth. The cushion material is very soft and the mask works well for me. Google the Amara View name and you will come up with pictures, I am sure.

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