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New BIPAP and new Dr. and more

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barbz +0 points · almost 10 years ago Original Poster

On my own I bought a new BIPAP. It started out great, but somewhere along the line it stopped responding to my hesitations in breathing. (centrals?) I was upset and contacted SecondWindCpap about it as it was a new machine and only been a month. That is one SUPER company...I was sent a free return label and am getting a full refund.

Still wanted and feel I need the BIPAP. I remember when our primary care docs, in the dark ages...used to do all sorts of tests. One was a pulmonary function test where you had to blow into this tube and make a ball rise up. I always did miserably. No one has tested this since and I do not feel I should have to go to a specialist just to test this. Miss the old days...some of them anyway. I think my poor exhalation is probably why the BIPAP works for me. I could never relax with straight CPAP. Even auto CPAP was uncomfortable.

Anyway...through the grapevine on another forum, I hooked up with someone who came highly rated and bought a used ResMed VPAP Auto #36006. It arrives today. (6/3/15) The individual sent me the full manual and I have read it from cover to cover...highlighted ‘my’ machine and when it arrives today I will be ready to go.

It has been a long journey...first to get the diagnosis in 2007, finding the right mask, finding a doctor who was willing to work with me and now, hopefully, getting the right machine. I have to relax and not let expectations mess up my introduction to this new machine. I also have what some call ‘Monkey Mind.’ I have been working on that once more. After my brother passed Jan 1st, I lost all the progress I had made. I am taking that ‘horrible’ med called Ativan (1.5mg) at bedtime for a while, using my iPad and listening to the various sleep apps I have..also using Insight Timer. I was up to doing 30 minute guided meditations and even 15 minute ones with just the timer!

Have to give a plug for the new Hans Rudolph mask, Quest. Because of my finicky sinuses, the HR mask is the only one that they (my sinuses) will let my use. I have tried over 14 different ones!!!! The Quest is identical to the V2, their original, but it is softer and molds to my face. The V2 was stiff and had to be sooooo tight!

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TheresaS +0 points · almost 10 years ago


I wish every patient I ever had was like you, Barb! Despite your sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment experience having been described by you as "a long journey," you realize that PAP and components are not "one size fits all."

I truly admire that you have educated yourself regarding sleep apnea and various treatments. What's more is that you continue to be proactive to ensure your delivery system and accessories are suitable for you instead of just putting that machine in a closet and giving up. Members of this forum are fortunate to be able to read your comments and find encouragement as you so kindly share. Thank you so very much for sharing with us!

Please do share with us again as you try out your new unit. I wish you the very best experience!

Be well, Theresa

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barbz +0 points · almost 10 years ago Original Poster

Getting there. The S9 took a bit to set up...listening to my breathing against the machine. I finally found the compatible settings. New terminology to learn! I am comfortable with the machine now. The Quest and I are having a few issues, but that is not new when it comes to any new mask.

Would like feed back here. I have an ResMed AirFit. It blasts the air right at my nose. I have a small teas infuser (like a mini sieve) of which 1/2 fits right over the air intake area. I have it temporarily attached with Mack’s Wax. I know putting something inside the mask is not considered correct, but there is no way I can exhale that...I wore it one night and my results were an AHI of 0.0. It is more comfortable than the Quest, but even with the ‘diffuser’ I still have some negative sinus response the next day...not bad though.

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TheresaS +0 points · almost 10 years ago


You may want to try the durable medical equipment (DME) provider, Barbz. Most of the time they have accessory fittings and/or filters to help with a situation. Worth a try.

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