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How do I see RDI in sleepyhead vs AHI?

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singingkeys +0 points · over 5 years ago Original Poster Sleep Commentator

Under File---> Preferences ----> CPAP tab, there is an option to select "preferred major event index" and one of them is AHI and the other is RDI. I purged all previous data (started a new week with new settings yesterday and didn't need the old ones) and I switched that option to RDI before importing last night's study.

I don't see anything RDI-related in there, just the plain AHI as usual. Where can I find it?

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Sierra +0 points · over 5 years ago Sleep Patron

I just tried it, and it seems to work for me. The big orange AHI bar in the top left of the daily screen changes to RDI. And the title of one colum in the Statistcis screen changes from AHI to RDI. Did a quick math check and it seems to be accurate. It just adds in the RERA events. It did require me to restart the program to make the update.

I have never found it to be a good idea to purge data. I like to keep all my data since day one.

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singingkeys +0 points · over 5 years ago Original Poster Sleep Commentator

Mine looks blocky until I restart the program after changing it, then it seems to work right. The RDI is the exact same as the AHI. Is that generally right?

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Sierra +0 points · over 5 years ago Sleep Patron

It should only be the same as AHI if your RERA events are zero. If they are zero the RERA bar does not likely display on the Daily report screen.

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