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Sleepyhead with Resmed Airsense 10 Autoset

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Frodo +0 points · over 8 years ago Original Poster

I'm using a Resmed S9 as a trial machine and I like the information I'm getting from Sleepyhead. However I'll be switching soon to a Resmed Airsense 10 Autoset. This does not appear in Sleepyhead's list of supported machines. Does anyone know if Sleepyhead will support this new machine anyway. Thanks.

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BabaG +0 points · over 8 years ago

Frodo-Resmed Airsense 10 is WiFi connected. As soon as you get it you can connect to My Air on your computer and it will give your last nightly values and it keeps each night just for you. Also, it is WiFi connected to your provider for extensive values. It also has a card reader in the machine, just in case you don't have WiFi in your home but you would have to take it to a health provider and have them read it for you. I call my provider and they can read my results from their office and let me know what MyAir doesn't go into extensive apnea results. Hope that makes sense. It comes with a humidity drawer and you can fill it with distilled water. I love it. If you don't, you can take it off.

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wiredgeorge +0 points · over 8 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

Baba, I think the Airsense 10 isn't wifi connected but is cellular connected... this means it isn't connected to an in-home wifi source but is connected, like a cell phone, to a cell phone tower. To see if there is going to be a connection, you can observe the number of bars on your machines window. the number of bars correlates to the number of bars on a cell phone. The number of bars can vary quite a bit from your cell phone as it may or may not be hitting the same tower.

From ResMed website:

Connectivity comes standard With each AirSense 10 device offering built-in cellular technology, you get unprecedented access to therapy data and remote access to device settings, helping you to be more connected with your patients and even more efficient in your business.

You are correct in that a person can use the ResMed loigin to access their therapy related info; while it probably isn't as comprehensive as the Sleepyhead software, it is adequate for a person's basic need for info to see how effective therapy is. As you said, there is a card in there which can be used with your computer/Sleepyhead software of for a doctor or med supply place to read.

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BabaG +0 points · over 8 years ago

wired- You are right. It's not Wifi and my husband had explained to me some time ago. Duh me. I see the connection lines on the machine. Anyway, they know what is going on at all times and now that I changed to the provider setting on it, I can too.

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BrightSpringbudSandpiper5105 +0 points · about 8 years ago

I uploaded my SD card from my Airsense 10 yesterday (Feb 2017) and it works fine with Sleepyhead, as did my S9 and even my S8. Gives much greater detail than what you get from the auto uploaded reports to "myair"

I bought my Resmed Airsense 10 in the USA 4 weeks ago. I was using my older s8 whilst travelling. The S10 model worked fine with the USA CDMA phone system and fed the info back to "MYAir" which seems to me useful for early users who need some feedback and motivation. Gives good tips and encouragement. You could get cynical about big brother but many people need feedback to know that it is working. The s10 machine is better than the s9 and the s8. It brings back the auto start feature which I had in the s8 and for some reason they ditched from the s9. The automatic ramp feature and the more automated features of the S10 are fantastic. The s10 is also quieter (= more quiet). I suspect that the auto function on the humidifier is also better than the s9 so I rate the s10 as a great improvement.

Whilst I need a "Wi Fi" version to use myair in Australia I couldn't care less, I am not worried about "big brother" aspects of it auto connecting, but if I was I wouldn't have to worry here in Australia as it can't. Even if you have the wifi model you have to connect it through your home wifi (not the telephone system) so it won't auto connect over here. Myair gave pretty basic info and Sleepyhead is much better.

See my other post, when uploading my info I found out my apnea was better whilst in the USA by a long way. I lost 45pounds 2 years ago and expected to see an improvement in my apnea; not so, not one jot of a difference so for me weight it not the cause or part of the solution. When I had my sleep study I was in the severe category, not mild or moderate. So to see my stats from the USA was a huge surprise.

  • That is: see my other post whilst in the USA my apnea was so mild as to almost have disappeared and that intrigues me. My sleepy head data was so dramatically better in the USA that I am beginning to think that there may be other factors at play. Say environmental. It was not the machine, I can say that I was so quiet in the USA that my wife is already a huge fan of the Airsense 10. What she doesn't know is that it was especially quiet because I had so very few apnea events and the machine barely kicked on except for one night in the US and still that was half the stats of the lowest day when I got back to Australia

And finally, US apnea equipment (including ResMed) and accessories are half the cost as they are in Australia (adjusted for exchange rate) which is really odd given ResMed is an Australian company. They also stop you buying ResMed from US online in Australia. Can't stop you though if you are in the USA at the time. The S10 costs USD1,500 in Australia, the masks and everything are also twice as expensive.

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wiredgeorge +0 points · about 8 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

Obviously the difference in your apnea is that in Australia, you are upside down and that has to make some sort of difference! Seriously, I have not used the Sleepyhead and have been content with the myair info... AHI, L/Min, total hours and mask on/off. What Sleepyhead derived information helps you better guide your therapy going forward? I know there is much more detailed info but is more detailed info actually helpful? Another dumb question about the Sleepyhead... I know you have to pull the little card out of your machine and have your computer see this info. What is the process for doing that? I have a desktop PC.

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