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Felt great at first... now not so much

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AvrilRichard0918 +0 points · over 7 years ago Original Poster

HI All. I looked around previous boards and I'm having an issue finding any information about sleep apnea symptoms returning after a month of using the cpap machine. So let me explain...cpap treatment started about a month ago and almost instantly the sleep apnea symptoms started improving. Now for some reason they are coming back, getting up to use the bathroom, waking up tired, overly tired while driving and so on. The data from the dream mapper app is still saying all is well. Some nights are better than others but AHI is always lower than 5 which is the goal and mask fit is at 100% . So I'm wondering if anyone can give some advise??? Thanks Avril

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wiredgeorge +1 point · over 7 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

Arvil, I would consider double checking the software results you are using. Somethig doesn't sound right. Symptoms say your therapy isn't effective because that is how I felt prior to therapy. Since I am not a medical professional, I have to rely on logic. Resmed provides feed back using the https://myair.resmed.com/Default.aspx feedback which is sent to Resmed via cell tower connection. If you don't have a machine that provides this type service perhaps a different software program makes sense for perspective. You could also try a PULSE OXYMETER. I was tired during the day due low O2 levels for long periods at night which made me get up a zillion times thinking I needed to hit the bathroom and not feel rested but most telling would be falling asleep at inappropriate times during the day. You could also talk with your PCP or sleep doc and see if another sleep study is in order as the prescription given initially may no longer be right for some reason. Good luck and do check back in with the direction you take as it may help someone else.

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AvrilRichard0918 +0 points · over 7 years ago Original Poster

Wiredgeorge thanks for your advice. My boyfriend is the one with apnea and after talking to our cpap girl we've discovered that there was missing blocks of time on the software that was not detecting any readings. It seems that he was turning off the machine, unhooking the hose from the mask like normal when he used the bathroom the unfortunately, he wasn't hooking it back up when he came back to bed. Later through the night he would use the bathroom again and rehook the hose and turn the cpap back on like he should. Of course he was asleep so he had no clue he had periods of time with the mask on but no air intake. Since we don't live together I didn't notice this. He also confessed to having naps without the machine. We have found the cause and fixed the problem so hopefully this won't happen again. Thanks again George.

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