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novice to cpap and a question for a travel cpap

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Manny -1 point · about 8 years ago Original Poster

After being in denial for a few years, i finally decided to go full steam ahead with therapy. I am now 2 months into my therapy and i am totally into it and feel great as a result. Iam a little extreme with checking my numbers however that keeps me motivated to feeling better. My equipment is the resmed airsense 10 and resmed air fit 10 mask all working well. I would like any opinions on a second cpap for travel. I have a second home and do travel abroad time to time and it is a hassle packing the resmed up for travel any suggestions would be appreciated.

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wiredgeorge +0 points · about 8 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

I have a Resmed machine and take it with me. Understand that if you travel a lot or with the 2nd home, you might just want to pick up another machine. If money is no object, talk with your DME and they could set you up but I personally would look at Craigslist and buy a machine that was capable of being set up per your sleep doc's prescritipn which means it may not need to be identical to your current machine. I would buy a 2nd mask in the type you currently favor as well. If you are under an insurance plan that sends supplies automatically, then you might want to get the same exact meachine or wait till they ship you another mask and associated supplies.

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Manny +0 points · about 8 years ago Original Poster

thx for the feedback... i am looking to purchase a travel size unit. do u have any recommendation. there are 2 that i see on the market transend and z1 .

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wiredgeorge +1 point · about 8 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

Sorry, as I said, I use my Resmed machine when traveling and haven't really thought about a travel machine,

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DanM +0 points · about 8 years ago Sleep Enthusiast Support Team

Hi Manny. I've had patients give mixed feedback on the travel units. The most common 'like' is that they are small and easy to pack. The most common 'dislike' is that they either do not have humidification or use and HME (heat-moisture exchange) setup that does not function as well as a regular CPAP humidifier. Whatever you decide to purchase, I encourage you to check out these kinds of options and to inquire about the pricing of replacement supplies. If you want the ability to use the machine with a battery pack, asking about battery life and pricing for those options is also a good idea. I do know that the Transcend until, when I originally looked into that option, only worked with a couple of masks if you wanted humidification. Best wishes, and let us know how it turns out!

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wiredgeorge +0 points · about 8 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

Dan, I recently bought a truck top camper and it seems we are going to start going camping in the thing over the weekend. It has a bathroom, small kitchen and king size bed and a TV so it will be a home away from home. One of the advantages is that you really don't have to pack up much in that you can leave stuff in the camper. That said, I am thinking of a second (USED/CHEAP) bipap machine. My prescription calls for 21/25 and I don't use the ramp and could easily do without the humidifier. The machine doesn't have to be travel size and will run on 110VAC as we will camp mostly in parks with a dedicated power source. Any way to tell which machines run 21/25 and I also suspect I could use straight CPAP in 25 pressure. TIA

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DanM +0 points · about 8 years ago Sleep Enthusiast Support Team

Hi wiredgeorge. Without knowing more about why you were prescribed BiPAP, it is not safe to say that you could use CPAP at a straight pressure of 25 cm. Some people use BiPAP to help increase their blood oxygen levels when straight CPAP does not work. I live in the Northeast, and some of the medical suppliers here sell refurbished equipment for people who either do not have insurance or want to purchase a second machine. You might consider checking to see if you current supplier has anything available. These machines are usually only available by request, and they are often at much less cost than new machines. Many of the newer models come with the humidifier integrated into the unit, but there might be some less expensive options with detachable humidifiers if you only want the machine.

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BrightSpringbudSandpiper5105 +0 points · about 8 years ago

I currently us a ResMed Airsense 10 purchased 2 months ago and I have an old ResMed S8 Autoset which I use for travel (took it to USA on my recent trip where I bought the new machine near the end of that trip). I use nasal masks. I leave off the humidifier when travelling domestic in OZ to make it small and easy to pack. For 1 or 2 nights away I can cope without a humidifier although I always use one at home. I use the basic tube too, no need to heat the tube without a humidifier. I have a S9 which will probably become my travel machine from now.

By the way airlines in the US do not count your Apnea machine as carry on luggage and you can carry it on in addition to another carry on bag. So you could just take your Airsense 10 with you. As far as I am aware they don't do that in Australia but it never occurred to me to ask.

Rather than buy a travel unit, if you are trying to save space and pack it in the one case unfortunately although the Airsense 10 is a smaller case/pack than either the S8 or S9 as you know it is a combined unit with humidifier and bigger as a travel machine. Also I don't like to risk my current machine and am a lot happier with a cheaper one lest it get lost with luggage etc.

If money is no object I'd buy a new Resmed 9 (like the one I have) which lets you separate the humidifier and become really small for travel. If you are travelling for a week or longer I'd take the full set anyway.

Personally I'd pick up an S9 or S8 second hand on eBay (rather than new) and leave the humidifier at home using it as a travel machine. Because you use Resmed 10 you can be confident the S9 and S8 will work for you too.

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Manny +0 points · almost 8 years ago Original Poster

thank you for the feedback,, i tried a phillips dream station and found it created a lot of noise with and without the humidifier. i will be sticking with the resmed s10 for travel.. the dme provider could not believe i did not like the machine. he said he had no complaints from any patients. i told him they are not comparing it to any other machine. so i will be getting another s 10 for travel and second home ,,

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