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Narval CC - side to side grinding or clenching?

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NeatGoldDogfish9292 +0 points · almost 8 years ago Original Poster

I have been trying to research oral appliances for both reliability and comfort. The Narval CC looks to be the most comfortable but I have been told I grind/clench my teeth. The Suad looks to be the most durable. How is the Narval CC rated for people who grind or clench their teeth?

If I am going to spend a lot of money on this, I want to know it's going to last under my conditions. Thanks

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DrTonySoileau +0 points · almost 8 years ago

NeatGoldDogfish9292 Doctors/Dentists/patients opinions on appliances are going to vary. It depends on their experience. The Narval is a great appliance. Very light. Just about indestructible. So should hold up fine if you tend to grind your teeth. The Suad is the Hummer of the appliance world. It would take an explosive to damage it with all the metal. The Naval is comfortable. I personally like how the Micro2 fits my mouth a little better. But that is just me. I have many patients that love their Narval. I don't make many Suad because my patients don't like the looks of them. Keep in mind that the Naval is very difficult to reshape if you have any dental work done after you receive it. Make sure you have fillings and crowns finished first or be ready to get a second Narval in the future. I have gotten a Narval to fit again around new dental work in a few patients. But it never fits as good as originally made.

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NeatGoldDogfish9292 +0 points · almost 8 years ago Original Poster

Thank you! I will also look at the Micro2. I am seeing Dr J. Parker in Edina. He did not mention the Micro2 for my application, maybe there was a reason. He listed the SUAD, Somnodent flex, and Narval. I assume the Micro2 is easier or doesn't need adjustment with dental work. I made sure I had any crowns/work completed before we did the molds but realize dental may still be required in the future.

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DrTonySoileau +0 points · almost 8 years ago

Yes the Micro2 can be relined if you have additional dental work. Also because it works with a series of appliances it is less expensive if you just need a new lower or upper.

Dr Tony

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SleepDent +0 points · almost 8 years ago Sleep Commentator

Well, I am going to give you another point of view. I think that the DreamTap is an excellent choice for people who grind, especially laterally. The upper and lower DreamTap trays are attached at the center and there is a center wire bar. The device moves smoothly side to side on the bar through a very long lateral range, thus protecting the TMJs. The DreamTap is also of very sturdy construction that stands up to grinding, but is not a heavy, bulky horse like the Suad. I would call the lack of bulk good on the DreamTap, but not superb like the Narval or Micro2. Most people can tolerate this level of bulk though. Personally I would not recommend the Micro2 for a lateral bruxer like you because it has only 3 mm of lateral movement which could strain the TMJs on a side-to-side bruxer. The Micro2 would probably be strong enough to hold up against a regular clencher who does not brux from side to side. The DreamTap is also available with an optional Thermacryl lining that can be re-done any time you dental work changes. In all fairness, the thermacryl lining does need to be replaced yearly. The Dreamtap does come also with soft TL lining which is permanent. Dr. Luisi

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NeatGoldDogfish9292 +0 points · almost 8 years ago Original Poster

I appreciate the input. I am learning what to watch for. I will take a look at the DreamTap too.

My son is also getting an oral appliance. He lives in Portland. His Dr. recommended the Panthera due to his grinding. I am not aware whether his can be adjusted easily. He is still waiting for delivery, so no experience with it yet.

I am going to call Dr Parker today and discuss some of these other options. I know he is nationally known and I respect his input. I'm sure every Dr has their own preferences so it's kind of hard to know how far to push the selection process.

I have also been told I have a tmj disorder. My right jaw will push out of place occasionally. I always thought it was related to Rheumatoid Arthritis but I guess not. So I'm sure he is trying to take everything into account.

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SleepDent +0 points · almost 8 years ago Sleep Commentator

Well, you certainly have a highly experienced sleep dentist. I know of his reputation, which is beyond reproach. Actually, I have never heard of the Panthera at all. It must be new or not a big seller. Personally, I think it is very important that the appliance have credible third-party, peer-reviewed independent efficacy test data available for you in writing. Many do not have that and i would stay away from them. The TMJ disorder is significant and I am sure that Dr. Parker will address that prior to your appliance. Dr. Luisi

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DrTonySoileau +0 points · almost 8 years ago

The Panthera is very similar to the Narval and look almost exactly alike. I have not used a Panthera appliance but have delivered 30-40 Narval appliances. Both the Narval and Panthera are made with CAD CAM technology. Both are practically indestructible and very thin/light compared to other appliances on the market. The newer technology does add to their cost making the lab bill significantly higher for the dentists using them. This is probably why they dont have the popularity of other appliances.

Dr Tony

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