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about 7 years
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This post is based on a review article in The Journal of Dental Sleep Medicine. Volume:02 Number:04 10/10/2015. To start the discussion I am going post a quote from that article. I will then react to any comments or questions, should they be forthcoming. "Standard treatment remains continuous positive airway pressure which is highly efficacious but has well-recognized limitations, with suboptimal patient acceptance and adherence rates, which in turn obviates the desired health benefits. The leading alternative device treatment is oral appliances.-------------------------.Despite discrepancies in effficacy(apnea-hypopnea index(AHI) reduction) between CPAP and oral appliances, randomized trials show similar improvements in health outcomes between treatments, including sleepiness, quality of life, driving performance, and blood pressure. Similar results in terms of health outcomes suggests that, although the two treatments differ in efficacy and treatment usage profiles, these result in similar over-all effectiveness." Authors: Kate Sutherland, PHD., Craig L. Phillips,PHD., Peter A. Cistulli, M.D., PHD. Any comments? Arthur B. Luisi, Jr., D.M.D.
There are many articles that can be found about this. The best advise can be sought by a direct discussion with your sleep medicine provider after data from a sleep study.
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