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+1 point
almost 7 years
Original Poster
I have just started using CPAP 3 months ago.Its Resmed Airsense 10 with a nasal pillow mask.At the beginning everything went well and I was really enjoying my CPAP therapy with no issues at all.Since last week I am experiencing that I need to volunteerly use my chest muscle to help me breathe while I have started using the mask in the beginning of the sleep.I found that I need to open my mouth to releave some pressure every few minutes.The MyAir App shows too much mask leakage, but actually the tubes and masks are fine.My pressure is set to 9 and ramp time is 20.I had some excellent results at the beginning of the treatment but now I even can’t sleep well and I’m also drowsy during the day.Everything went worse since the last week.Do I have to do anything with the pressure adjustment? Is the pressure high or low for me?
i have been using bipap for almost a year and have had chest pain issues..i have had ekg and ct of heart and all they found was inflamed muscles and tissue around my lungs..my settings are at 20/13.evidently i had 150 apneas per hour..
+0 points
almost 7 years
It would really help if you mentioned what a typical AHI as reported by the MyAir software and your leak rate. Your pressure isn't all that high compared to some but if you are not used to the positive pressure, it could be you feel the need to work a bit. You might want to discuss this with your SLEEP doc and see if there is any medical suggestions coming as far as reasons/relief. I am thinking you would have to go to that doc anyway for any possible changes to your prescription (9).
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