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How to find the answer

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Biguglygremlin +1 point · about 6 years ago Original Poster Sleep Enthusiast

How to find the answer

Provide relevant information and don't forget to return.

Ten Steps:

1) Describe the problem: The dog ate my mask!

2) Describe the setting: It was a Locutus mask, the 2366 model, and came with the Deep Space K7 CPAP machine set to 5-15 parsecs at warp 3.

3) Wait a while: (Dog begins chewing on Deep Space CPAP machine)

4) Return to forum and read reply: Adjust settings on Deep Space CPAP machine till Borg cubes are no longer detected and change shield settings to max.

5) Ask further questions: What do I do about the mask?

6) Wait a while. (Deep Space CPAP machine zapps dog)

7) Return to forum and read reply: Buy the new improved Locutus 2367 mask with the 'for her' option.

8) Deliver praise: Thank you so so much! This forum is the greatest!

9) Even more praise: You've saved my life! (and zapped my dog) :(

10) And even more praise: nah I don't think so

Ok so they haven't invented a Startrek CPAP machine yet! The point is that you need to provide enough information for a response and then return. Who knows. Maybe someone out there has figured out how to adapt a Borg mask to their Resmed machine. Personally I reckon the Darth Vader mask would be easier to rig up but it is rumored to be noisy and it looks so uncomfortable!

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Biguglygremlin +0 points · about 6 years ago Original Poster Sleep Enthusiast

A quote that might interest you Sierra:

"Patients should be encouraged to engage in CPAP data management programs or applications, such as DreamMapper (Philips) or MyAir (ResMed) to improve their usage of CPAP and overcome any obstacles such as mask leak."

That article raises way more questions than it answers, especially when it comes to the role of sleep clinics in monitoring and driver safety.

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Sierra +0 points · about 6 years ago Sleep Patron

That is an interesting article, and I have saved the link. I do think it shows one has to be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The article raises many issues about the quality and ownership of the data, but seems to somewhat overlook that the apnea sufferer just wants a good night's sleep. I may be wrong in this, but my understanding of the ResMed system of handling data is that they only get the basic summary/compliance data wirelessly and only on the newer A10 series of machines. The detailed data is only stored on the SD card. They can read it with their Rescan software, if you bring the card in. Not sure if they can read it remotely over the internet. The point is that they are not seeing much. And the worst thing is that on the S9 for example it only saves a week or two of detailed data and then it starts to overwrite, so it is gone, gone, lost forever. The A10 keeps the data longer, but if you were to lose or format the SD card, then it would be toast too.

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Biguglygremlin +0 points · about 6 years ago Original Poster Sleep Enthusiast

I think the Resmed S9 might have a bit more storage than that before it overwrites. When I get a chance I will take another look. Not that it matters because they must be all near the end of their lives by now.

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Sierra +0 points · about 6 years ago Sleep Patron

I depends on the data. Here is what I found in the S9 Clinical Manual. Looks like the high resolution flow data is 7 days, and other detailed data 30 days.

The AirSense 10 is quite a bit more and seems to be limited by SD card storage only.

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Ruby +0 points · about 6 years ago Sleep Commentator

Looking at many recent (and not too recent) posts, it seems like people view many posts but only respond if it directly answers a question they have. I do understand as many are sleep deprived, many have lots of calls for their time and some just are not comfortable with sharing or are afraid to answer. That's a real shame as all of us benefit from the experiences of others. It would be nice to make connections with others but you can't force that. I appreciate (really, really) the people who take the time to read the posts and comment to the best of their abilities.

As for Star Trek, maybe we can get Capt. Kirk to model various masks and pillows. Hmmm....maybe not in his present form. As for Darth Vader--I wear a full face mask. My husband sleeps with him (me) every night.

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Sierra +0 points · about 6 years ago Sleep Patron

All this Sci-Fi discussion reminded me that it is claimed sleep apnea was a factor in the death of Carrie Fisher. William Schatner is also said to be suffering from sleep apnea. Must run in the Sci-Fi family...

That said I am just a little skeptical of the coroner's report on the cause of death for Fisher. A quote:

"a more detailed analysis of Fisher’s death revealed the presence of multiple substances in her system at the time of death: cocaine, opiates, methadone, alcohol, and ecstasy. Ultimately, however, the cause of death was listed as “sleep apnea with other conditions: atherosclerotic heart disease, drug use.”"

Seems to me that blaming it on sleep apnea is stretching it a bit, especially considering that Fisher was not even diagnosed to have it. Not sure how one could diagnose a dead person with sleep apnea. I just don't buy it, and smell a little coverup going on. Seems to me that there are much more obvious causes...

The American Sleep Apnea Association even commented on it. Link here.

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Biguglygremlin +0 points · about 6 years ago Original Poster Sleep Enthusiast

Yes they saw a landmark opportunity and went for it!

Well written though.

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Biguglygremlin +0 points · about 6 years ago Original Poster Sleep Enthusiast

I thought you might find this interesting Sierra.

There have been a number of people in this forum complaining about unwarranted high pressure.

This may not be the cause but it might be worth considering.

And as a special bonus, there are charts! :P

Resmed Airsense 10 Malfunction

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Sierra +0 points · about 6 years ago Sleep Patron

I will leave others on that forum to figure it out. But for starters the machine could be set so the maximum pressure is lower than 20 cm.

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KangarooTailStew +0 points · almost 6 years ago

I've seen some people who had their masks eaten.

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Biguglygremlin +0 points · almost 6 years ago Original Poster Sleep Enthusiast

That's as good a reason as any to follow Sierra's advice.

Drown it all in vinegar!

It'll stop the dog from eating it.

And keep those bears away too!

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