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Resmed autoset 10 sleep reports

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Pugman +0 points · over 9 years ago Original Poster

I know that you can go into the resmed website and get your basic score everyday, but is there anyway to get the full report that my company that provided me with my machine gets and sends to the Dr. I got a detailed print out from them the other day to take to my follow up appointment with the Pulmonologist to see how im doing. Is there any programs that can read the data on the sd card thats in the machine.

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TheresaS +0 points · over 9 years ago

@Pugman - Try asking the equipment provider to see if it possible for you to be connected to their system remotely. Some do provide this to subscribers. Good luck!

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ZenCat +0 points · over 9 years ago


If you're talking about the ResMED AirSense 10, yes there is a way.

As you may know, there is a SD disk inserted into the side of the CPAP. The data on that disk is easily read by the free ResScan software program for Windows PCs. You will need a card reader on your computer. Most laptops and newer desktops usually have them built in.

Just Google "ResScan 5.4.1 download". It will lead you to another message board where you'll need to join to gain access to the program, but that's free too.

I've installed it, it's completely safe and it works great. Let me know if I can help.

By the way, the program should work with any ResMED device with a removable SD card.



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DakotaGma +0 points · over 9 years ago

Thank you, Joesph, for this information. I'm going to try to download it today. I, too, am very underwhelmed by the MyAir skimpy date for my AirSence10 machine. I have been able to supplement that by accessing a more detailed 'Clinical' screen directly on the machine, but even that is quite limited - it shows 30 day averages for AHI, AI, central AI, pressures, & leakage rates. The way to access the clinical setting screen is to simultaneously press the black Home button & the silver center of the selection knob and hold about 4 seconds. Then select the sleep report window. My RT freaked out when I told her about it. She didn't even know that was on the machine. She was afraid I was going to go into the clinical settings window and mess with the machine settings. I leave that part to the experts. I'm just one of those people who is helped by seeing the actual black & white evidence that my theraoy is showing results. When I could see daily evidence that my AHI was coming down, it helped pull me through the days I was feeling there was no improvement, & sometimes even feeling worse than before I started using the cpap.

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DecisiveGrayJaguar5158 +0 points · over 7 years ago

Did you find the program to read the SD CARD? I need that program to download my information.

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EnergeticCobaltBlueGoat9394 +0 points · over 9 years ago

Joe, Thanks so much for this post! I just started using the Airsense 10 and was underwhelmed with the data included with myAir.
I'm going to try downloading the program and importing tonight! Thanks, Caitlin

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ZenCat +0 points · over 9 years ago

Always glad to help. My problem with MyAir (the online version) is its lack of specifics. For example, I had 3.3 events last night. That must be an average of something, because how could I have a .3 event.

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pattyloof +0 points · over 7 years ago

That's per hour, so yeah, it's on average.

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JournalismTeacherJeff +0 points · over 9 years ago

So I guess Macintosh users are out of luck?

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EnergeticCobaltBlueGoat9394 +0 points · over 9 years ago

Actually, I found Sleepyhead software - http://www.sleepfiles.com/SH2/ - which works with macs before I found the resmed. Its not the most intuitive software around. But I was able to get my data in, and see all sorts of reports.

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ZenCat +0 points · over 9 years ago

I've read where many people like it. I've never tried it, but both are free and worth a try.

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ZenCat +0 points · over 9 years ago

Here's a phone screen shot of last night's MyAir...


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DiligentAmethystCaribou2621 +1 point · over 7 years ago

I have bad leaks every night yet my events are less than 1. Does anyone know how accurate the data is with such bad leaking?

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wiredgeorge +0 points · over 7 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

You brought up a 2 year old thread. Hopefully you are asking about the feedback via resmed myair application? If this is the case, what are the L/Min rates you consider "bad".

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pattyloof +0 points · over 7 years ago

Having the same issue. For example: last night I got a zero score on MyAir for leaks (as in really bad), yet had 0.7 events/hour (was having 14/hr on the home sleep study).

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madjack +0 points · over 7 years ago

Weirdly, my leakage is fairly massive...I usually get a zero to less than 12 on myair...however, my apneas have dropped from +50 to less than 2 (ahi of 1.1)...so I'm happy and don't worry about it...especially since I have gone from not really sleeping to sleeping 8-10hrs nightly......... madjack

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PlacidWhiteGazelle1949 +0 points · over 7 years ago

Sleephead website

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Topster +0 points · about 7 years ago

My Air 10 auto has no sd card. Any special size etc etc needed? Really don't want to screw with provider, they really suck/

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wiredgeorge -1 point · about 7 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

I believe it does or at least the slot is there. The SD slot is on the upper right corner on the side of the filter. It is the large size SD card type on my machine. The card is under the door of the card slot is removed by pushing it in and the card will pop out. If your card is missing, you can get another and I don't believe it is a proprietary card so you should be able to find one at Walmart or similar. I am not sure how to tell SD card types apart unfortunately other than size.

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