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resmed F30 mask

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wandafeb02 +0 points · about 6 years ago Original Poster

My resmed F30 mask leaks air from the nasal part. I feel air going up my upper face. I checked the "facial mask fit" and it shows that it is good. Should I be concerned?

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Sierra +0 points · about 6 years ago Sleep Patron

The short story is that if the mask leaks are keeping you awake then it is a problem.

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Ruby +0 points · almost 6 years ago Sleep Commentator

There is a part that is on the connection between the hose and the mask like a diffuser. It lets air out of the mask. Is this a new mask? My old mask had a diffuser that allowed the air to push out fairly hard. My husband often complained about it hitting him and there were times when I could feel it on my own face. I have a new diffuser that helps with that. You can barely feel the air coming out of it now. This might not have anything to do with your issue but thought I would let you know.

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wandafeb02 +0 points · almost 6 years ago Original Poster

Thank you. It's when the pressure gets stronger and it's coming from the nasal part and sometimes the sides.

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bonjour +0 points · almost 6 years ago Sleep Commentator

This is an area Sleepyhead is very good at. If Sleepyhead shows a LL or Large Leak you have something that should be addressed because that could be impacting your therapy. https://www.apneaboard.com/sleepyhead/ to download SLeepyhead

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dmypub +0 points · almost 6 years ago

I can control the nasal leaks on my F30 by tightening the strap on top of the head. I have not been able to control small leaking due to the pressure I need, which is 16 - 17 cm. Any time I move in the slightest, then any area around my mouth will start flapping. I can stop these leaks only if I tighten all straps beyond reasonable comfort. I backed off on the straps and have managed to reduce leaks by holding my hand on the mask. Whenever I feel the mask start to flap, I just give the mask a slight push - it seals again. To better deal with this, I am going to test a couple liners. I also bought a mouthguard to better hold my mouth shut - mouth opening definitely causes leaking. I tried taping, and it works, but the tape I bought, which was a 3m micropore tape - is a pain to take off in the morning, and sometimes it peels off my top lip layer. Yikes !

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