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Soclean 2 and Airfit F20 full face mask

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heath62008 +0 points · about 4 years ago Original Poster

I’m currently using a Resmed Airsense 10 machine with a Resmed Airfit F20 mask. I’m having issues with the SoClean 2 cleaning the mask I cleaned it today and it still has all the oils etc. For anyone that uses both this mask and a SoClean 2, is there an adapter for this mask to work with both the machine and SoClean. Both filters and tubing connections have been changed on both machines a few weeks ago

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Sherry +0 points · almost 4 years ago Sleep Commentator

Go to www.ApneaPartners.Org under Product and Treatment Support/CPAP Cleaning and Maintenance and check out the cleaners there. From what I understand there is a difference between sanitizers and cleaners. You may still need to clean your mask. You may also find help @ https://www.apneapartners.org/living-with-sleep-apnea and https://www.apneapartners.org/more-cpap-tips-usefulinformation-articles

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Sherry +0 points · almost 4 years ago Sleep Commentator

You may still want to clean your mask. From what I understand, there is a difference between sanitizing and cleaning.

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CharmingSalmonSeaLion +0 points · almost 4 years ago

Disinfection and cleaning are actually different functions. The 03 used in the SoClean (despite the name) is designed to kill germs, but doesn't clean in the sense of removing skin oils, etc. You still have to clean the equipment, either manually or with a different type of cleaning system.

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CharmingSalmonSeaLion +0 points · almost 4 years ago

Actually, you should check out the blog elsewhere on this site on the subject of the FDA warnings on Ozone and UV sanitizers for CPAP. There have been reports of health problems. I experienced an episode of scary sleep paralysis the first time I used my machine after “sanitizing” it using SoClean and I returned the SoClean machine.

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