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Hi there,
My name is Janet and I am 52, I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea a couple of years ago while performing a 8 hour full sleep study, and was given a CPAP machine which I still haven’t used on a consistent basis due to it being very cumbersome.
I have Chronic Epstein Barr Syndrome AND Chronic fatigue as well….
I just had a CT with contrast which showed the following abnormal findings…… the IMPRESSION was as follows:
“small nonspecific lymph nodes are seen in the sublingual area, perivascular spaces, posterior triangle and parapharyngeal region. These all measure less than a centimeter. No soft tissue swelling is seen. Postoperative changes are present in the cervical spine. Small nodes are present in the middle mediastinum. These measure less than a centimeter. Followup should be based on clinical presentation and laboratory findings”
*** My question to you is this: since I have diagnosed EBV and Chronic Fatigue which CAN and DO make the lymph nodes enlarged….Can these findings be a REASON for sleep apnea ??? Can these enlarged lymph nodes be a hindrance in sleep, making it necessary for a CPAP? Is the swelling of 1 centimeter and smaller lymph nodes in ALL the areas mentioned, be of significance in the passageway of the throat ???
I would very very much appreciate any and all correspondence that I receive from you, as this is of utmost importance in my life right now !!!
Many thanks,