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Hi. I would like to see more information on Central and Mixed Sleep Apnea. A lot of info you find on the internet, and there's not as much info as for OSA, is conflicting or just plain wrong.
You have my sympathy ladybear. I know that's it's hard to be active when you're exhausted. I used to very active and fit but some days now it's hard just to get out of bed in the morning. I'm waiting for an overnight sleep study before I can be treated since I have mixed sleep apnea, and really hoping that there's a treatment that gives me back my energy!
The Dr. was a Respirologist, which I guess is the same as a Pulmonologist, with a specialty in sleep medicine. I am actually an optimist, but some days......anyway, thanks for the kind thoughts!
Hi....well I had my appointment with the Sleep Dr. It was supposed to be with a neurologist but he's actually on medical leave so I saw a respirologist with a specialty in sleep medicine. It was all bit disappointing since she asked me all the questions I had already answered on a 5 page questionnaire. I now have to wait another 4 - 6 weeks to get into the hospital for my overnight sleep study. After the study we will decide together on the best treatment her words. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. She did however give me a prescription for acid reflux, which was getting bad, and I am supposed to try iron supplements for a month. Apparently I am at the bottom of the acceptable range for iron and this can cause or make my restless legs worse. So we are back to waiting again....very frustrating!
According to their website, Inspire Therapy is for moderate to severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea. There is an implantable device being tested for Central and Mixed Apnea called Remede but I think it's only in the test phase right now.
I started questioning my health not just because of tiredness and sleep issues, but also because of weight gain. I was in good shape, walked 2-3 miles per day, did Taebo, Zumba, and lifted weights. Then I began gaining weight for no apparent reason. At first I got the "menopause" excuse, then was told that often people eat more than they realize. I knew what I was eating and the exercise I was doing. Finally, when I pushed my Dr. about the tiredness and sleep issues she sent me for a sleep test and surprising even to me, it was positive for sleep apnea. Over the last few years as I've gotten more tired, my energy level has dropped, my weight has gone up, etc. I am eating the same or maybe even less. I am hoping that soon when I am treated, I will regain my energy and lose weight.
I have complex ( mixed) sleep apnea which is mostly central but some obstructive. I've had allergies and sinus problems for years and I believe that does contribute to the sleep apnea.
I live in a small city in Western Canada where there is a long wait to see a neurologist and get an overnight sleep study. Priority is given to those who either drive for a living or have severe sleep apnea.....mine is mild to moderate, but it is definitely affecting my quality of life. I can't be treated without the study since my apnea is mostly central.
I was diagnosed with complex (mixed) sleep apnea last summer and I'm waiting on an overnight sleep study before they will treat me. I finally have an appointment with a neurologist for April 8th.
There's an implant being tested for mixed and central apnea called Remede. It stimulates breathing muscles when your brain doesn't.