Arlene, Thank you for referencing Pad-A-Cheek. I checked it out right away and have what I need on it's way! Being in the cosmetics industry, the strap marks on my cheeks were bothersome so I am hoping this will solve that issue!
Susan, I would like to read Dr. Donjalic's post as well. Can you tell us where to find it?
Wow, your body has been through a lot. I am so happy that you have found this site to contribute your experiences. This is a collaboration between patients and physicians to collect data that will make a difference for all who are suffering from Sleep Apnea as well as an outreach to those suffering who are undiagnosed. Everyone's experience shared through the surveys and forums makes a difference in the research which can only benefit all of us! I personally do use a CPAP machine but I also have a dental device like you are speaking of. It will be interesting for you to explore the differences! I hope that you will share your feedback with the community here! As long as we are all continuing to try new things and seek new opportunities we have hope for new interventions and modalities that will make a difference. You may even ask your spouse and friends to join this site in an effort to gain more understanding of how Sleep Apnea could be contributing to your ability to function. It is often so difficult for others to put themselves in your situation when they have no awareness. I wonder if you may reach out to a physician who may take a more holistic approach as there could be some sort of vitamin depletion that is underlying. Most importantly take care of yourself and do whatever it takes to feel good about you. There is such a mind and body connection. When you feel good about you, your body will follow. What is the one thing you can do right now to feel better about yourself? Do that! There is a book that I have never read but the title has become somewhat of a mantra: "What you think about me is none of my business."
Joseph, welcome to the community! So happy you stumbled upon us! I love this site because it is centered around a great collaboration of patients and physicians working toward a common goal of enhancing the sleep apnea experience to be more comfortable for all. We are also about getting the message out about the symptoms of Sleep Apnea as so many are suffering and undiagnosed. So please help us spread the word for people to join MyApnea.Org and participate in the surveys to help collect data. The more members contributing will equate to a better outcome for everyone. Hope you are able to get a new CPAP machine! I just recently got a new machine. I feel like I have entered a new era of technology and left the dinosaur age behind! I had my original machine for almost 20 years.
2Sleepy, It is a pain to have to take off the mask to drink when your mouth is almost glued together from dryness. I totally get what you are saying. Congratulations on your 30 day only takes 21 to make a habit and you are passed that point! I think you will find that you will feel better and better. I had to go through a process of finding the right mask for me in the beginning. I would not say that it is comfortable but I found that the least intrusive mask to get the job done became my friend. Keep on keeping on!
I always go to bed with water within arms reach! I think dry mouth is just a part of Apnea.
I have been using a CPAP machine for 20 years. I have also tried the dental device and Provent Nasal Patches. There are pros & cons to all of the above. It does seem that no matter what I use, I do have much more energy with some apnea assistance than with none. All the remedies can feel somewhat intrusive and annoying but the proof of feeling better with them is rewarding. Therefore, I tolerate! I want to encourage you to not be so hard on yourself or beat yourself up when you discover you have abandoned the remedy by morning. I rarely wake up with my CPAP still on, or the mouth piece still in, or Provent still attached. I know that I pull it off in the early AM hours as I starting to awake and become aware because it is not always the most comfortable feeling once you drift back into consciousness. However, I believe it is in place most of my sleeping hours. If not, I would feel a difference.
2Sleepy, I understand about the nasal pillows irritating your nose. I am wondering if you have the correct size. I know there are different sizes of nasal pillows. Once I had the correct size, I was relieved of the irritation. I have used an Extra Emollient Night Cream (Mary Kay Cosmetics, Inc. is my brand.) when my nose was irritated already with a cold before I put in the nasal pillows. That did make a difference.
I think the improvements are very significant. I had used the same machine for 20 years. It was still running and worked well. However last year I got a new machine and it so much more user friendly and certainly more travel friendly!