First, if you already have not, you should read through the posts in this fairly recent thread.
My thoughts on EPR are that it does provide some comfort benefits by reducing the pressure on the exhale. The disadvantage is it also reduces your treatment pressure on exhale and if you are susceptible to apnea during exhale (and many are), then turning it on when it was off, can reduce your treatment effectiveness. If you have an auto CPAP and the maximum pressure allows it, your machine will probably compensate for it by increasing your inhale pressure. When it increases, so does exhale pressure, so you kind of come full circle, and have not really accomplished anything. And with an increased inhale pressure you are likely to have more issues with mask leaks.
For these reasons, my preference is to use EPR but only during the Auto Ramp portion of the nightly cycle. With EPR set at 3 and the start pressure set at 7-8 cm, the pressure will cycle on inhale and exhale to provide maximum comfort while you are going to sleep. Then when you are asleep the EPR goes off and inhale/exhale pressure become the same. This maximizes treatment effectiveness, and results in a lower maximum pressure during treatment.
Flex is much the same as EPR but the pressure reduction is less than the nominal setting. It modifies the reduction based on flow and pressure, and the impact on treatment effectiveness probably is less. Not sure if you can set Flex to be used only during the ramp on a Dreamstation, but if you can, that is how I would use it.
Hope that helps some,