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Thanks. I don't know why I get it. In every machine. I guess it will remain a mystery. I wrote to the company, and wasn't surprised when they didn't reply. And if they did, it would likely be to clean it, as directed. I've had the machine on the nightstand, and on the bottom shelf. No difference. The bleach is a 10% solution. I do hang the hose up during the day. The smell, if there, is immediately noticeable. Peeew! Oh well - thanks, all.
Thanks. I rarely get reflux, and only notice the smell when I put the mask on. After that, it airs out, or I get used to it. I've seen other complaints about this, with no real resolution. It's happened with all 3 machines. Are you saying you have a heated hose - and still get condensation inside? Maybe I should just insulate the hose, and save the money.
I've been using my machine for ~15 years. I LOVE it! But, I get an occasional odor. A specific, sour smell of unknown origin, maybe 6 or 10 times a year? Any solutions? I can't be the only one getting it... (I get a Resmed every 5 years) It may be slight or pungent when I put the mask on. I use distilled water, rinsed and aired in the AM and refilled at night. I don't wash the mask regularly, and that doesn't seem to be the problem? It may make it go away, it may be back 2 days later. I've washed everything I can find. The hose, even drying it using a tissue and a 4' rod. I've washed the reservoir, the silicone seals at the reservoir intake. They looked fine. It doesn't seem to be the filter. I can't get to the area between the filter and the seals, but I doubt if that's the area. Generally, washing the mask does it. But not always. I don't think it's the hose (but my next machine will have the heated hose! I get tired of water collecting in the hose at night. Anyone have positive experiences with that?). And it's odd that it may be fine for a month. I'll wash the mask, and it may return in a few days. But generally doesn't. I know it should be cleaned more often, but I seem to be missing something. Why would it smell so bad, so quickly? And I can't isolate the smell. Even if it's strong - I can't really smell it when I disconnect the hose. Put the hose to my nose, and it's also not noticeable. Yes, it's driving me nuts! One thing I've noticed twice - the beginnings of mold in the res. The easiest way of cleaning? Soaking in a 10% bleach solution, rinsing, then blasting the chamber out with my waterpik! Nothing else gets in those hard to brush places. I also put ~ an eighth teaspoon of Listerine in the res at night, as a disinfectant. For the last year? Can't say it's helped. Hope it doesn't kill me... Thanks!
NPR had a story a few weeks ago about sleep., and it's importance. They said twice a year, the country is subject to that grand social experiment - daylight savings time. In April, in that week, heart attacks spike up 24%! In the fall, with the added hour few really get, they go down 22%. I found those numbers to be amazing - just from losing 1 hour of sleep! The only real change seems to be in the amount of sleep you get - and the stress of changing your daily cycle. They also said you can't bank your sleep hours. And that Monday was the peak weekday for attacks. One study, only in Michigan, for certain type of heart attacks? Typical Monday's = 31 patients. Add 8 more, on the Monday of DST. I suspect it's more stress than the loss of sleep. And since I'm online - that makes me an expert! ;>
New here. My wife complained about snoring for a while. And I started to realize I wasn't having dreams like I should, and didn't really enjoy sleeping that much. (my mother had congestive heart failure, and surely had sleep apnea, in her 70's and overweight. And a heavy 50's smoker. She quit with her first heart attack, but it was too late. Smoking killed both my parents. She had 5 heart attacks, and told me if she knew her future - she would have rather not survived the first one!) Suspecting SA, I was tested in my mid 50's? I'm also overweight (now 255). I took to the machine right away. Now, I can't really sleep without it. I like sleeping more than before, and am fine with 6-7hrs. I started out at 8cm pressure, and am now at 11, ~13 years later. I'm now late 60's, and otherwise in good health. My son has been gaining weight, and also has a cpap - which allows his wife to sleep, too! I was hoping the machine would improve my life. I'd lose weight, and be happier. That happened, some. For a while. In that respect, it wasn't the miracle I had hoped it would be. I gained 25# with a new hip, and another 25 with a broken leg. I do advise against sleep center tests, if they still do that. Mine was done at a hospital with a 'special quiet wing'. It's always noisier, and different from home. (maybe bring ear plugs and your own pillow?). The last test was done at home, with an air card. That was much better! But onsite, they do tell you to sleep on each side, and your back, to see where the mask works best.