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Dear Fellas,
Hey. Been a poor sleeper for a long time, since I can remember just about. Began wearing CPAP a little over a month ago. I'm pretty sure someone sneaks in at night and clobbers me right in the head with a sledge hammer. Anyway, the data collected by my little computer/sleep/breathing machine says I'm not getting 2 cycles of sleep over any 24 hour time period. My 02 is low and I was once diagnosed with restless legs. (Restless body is more like it.) My Apnea events are down from 38 on my back and 22 on my side to about 6 to 12. My question for you is this: how debilitating is it, if at all, for your average bear, not to sleep completing 2 cycles of sleep per 24 hours? IOW, is the fact that I feel like walking death, and have since way before starting my CPAP, possibly linked to getting and completing too few sleep cycles?
Thanks everyone. Sweet dreams