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Joined Jul 2024
Joined Jul 2024

Thank you for the help. I will let go for now of my recent obsession with events flagged during Large Leaks. What I consider bizarre is how during LL sessions 70 OA events can register over 30 minutes. That is suffocation, and I don't think it is accurate.

If my machine is set to past 10 cm pressure no full face mask will stay sealed on me. I call it a blowout when a seal cannot be made. By week two on a new mask cushion, I have to cinch straps tighter and tighter to keep leaks down. It becomes painful.

Using APAP I have recurring themes of pressure up leaks up and leaks up pressure up. I tried straight CPAP @ 8 cm and had the worst AHI ever... 17.00 so back to APAP.

I raised my Min. pressure to 9.4 cm using my new F40 mask. Flow limitations went down but the rise in CAs caused an unusually high AHI yet I think therapy went better than usual. Two rested days in a row with my new F40 mask is very impressive. Leaks went up, AHI went up, but I felt more rested than I have in years. Finally, maybe a mask that somewhat works.

CPAP therapy has been very disappointing for me for over 17 years. I see a doctor once a year. Nothing is checked or disgusted. It was just last year my compliance was verified. For 14 years I complied with therapy even though it never made me feel any better. I am sure I am not alone. With time to get into the nit and grit of OSCAR reports over the past couple of years, I just may be on the verge of effective therapy. If it were not for online volunteers like you I would have no guidance...AT ALL.

Maybe someday CPAP machines and OSCAR will be at a higher AI level and be able to fine-tune therapy on the fly.

My next quest is to copy/paste my OSCAR Statistics to a spreadsheet and then produce line graphs from the data. The bar graphs of OSCAR Overview are too busy for me to track trends. It is a sort of "can't see the forest for the trees," effect I get from staring at those bar graphs.

Best of luck to you and your wife. ejb

I see what you mean. The pressure and flow limitations follow a similar path. Thanks. I have the machine on EPR 3 now. I will increase my Min. pressure to try to get flow limitation down. Is that not a tactic to reduce FL? I rarely go over 5.0 AHI so I may be out of luck on getting BPAP covered by insurance. There is a possibility that my FLs are not treatable by any PAP machine. My airways are chronically clogged. I have FLs awake or asleep. I will mention an AirCurve next doc visit. Sierra wrote: "I kind of think those hypopnea events are sneaking in when the leakage drops below the leak rate redline for brief periods of time."

A brief leakage drop below the leak rate redline lasted 14 seconds. 2 minutes and 30 seconds later, a hypopnea was flagged. In 1 minute 20 seconds, another hypopnea was flagged. In 30 seconds another hypopnea is flagged. The breath shapes near the H flaggings look the same as many breath shapes with no flags.

By "sneaking in," do you think these hypopneas could be false flags? My point about this issue is that I think AHIs may be inaccurate due to false flagging of events that I especially notice within gray areas. I have seen it demonstrated on video how machines or OSCAR can miss flagging events. I am saying events get flagged that did not exist, and I think the hypopneas I describe above are examples. I theorize that when the leak rate goes high enough the system malfunctions because it takes a good steady mask seal to produce a more accurate AHI. I am not concerned about my machine or OSCAR missing a few OA/CA/Hs. I think I may need to make the decision to stop fretting over AHIs of 2.00 - 5.00 and realize my air flow limitations...literally.

I wonder if the data that comes from CPAP machines have a published margin of error (+/-) for AHI. I also wonder if OSCAR has an accuracy margin of error.

Thank you for your attention, consideration, and lending of expertise. My doctor only checks compliance with usage requirements and refills the CPAP prescription annually. Not once in 17 years of CPAP therapy has my doctor, DME, or any medical staff looked at any report, asked how therapy is going, or offered advice. ejb