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I’m a 44 yo male, a masters athlete/swimmer, 24.1 BMI, on 12.5 hctz for bp control (120/70 avg now) and just began taking a low dose of levothyroxine to treat a mildly high tsh (4.1). Back in September I began feeling fatigued, unable to concentrate at work and sometimes feeling a bit loopy or lightheaded. My md asked about my sleep but I was sure I didn’t have a problem there and wanted bloodwork done to check for anemia or vitamin deficiency. Nothing was really abnormal other than vitamin d in the upper 20’s and in December for a routine checkup my tsh had risen again to over 4 which has happened a few times in the past 4-5 years. Finally agreed to a home sleep study. Results as follows:
Ahi 3 Oai .6 Cai .4 Hyp index 1.8 Odi 2.6 Avg sat 95 Lowest desat 90 Lowest sat 82 Min pulse 45 Max pulse 136 Avg 58
4 osa 3 csa 13 hypop 113 snore
I know that I can slide my jaw back and more or less cut off my airway when I’m awake. I’m assuming this occurs when I sleep so I’ve been trying to sleep on my side or stomach. I do wake often at night. Sometimes with no consequence and I fall back asleep quickly. Other times I feel anxious with a heartbeat that isn’t high but feels strong and keeps me awake for hours. I do have an appointment with a sleep doctor but it’s not for another month so I’m looking for some insight. What might I be looking at for treatment? The centrals scare me a bit. Is that fear justified? Are these numbers enough to cause a person to feel fatigued and such? I’ll add that I do have days that are better than others. If I sleep well, most often on weekends, I have pretty good days. I almost thought I was through the woods this past weekend but then Sunday night I lost 2-3 hours of sleep tossing and turning.
Apologies for the long winded first post. Any assistance or advice is greatly appreciated!