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Yeah, I've played around with partial nightly use. At one point I started going to bed WITHOUT it, then putting it on midway through the night when I woke for my nightly pee break. These days I do what you do-try to get at least 4 hours with it on, then often remove it at the end of the night. Still am starting to feel better, so what the heck.
I'm sorry Heather-This is so hard when your sleeplessness affects so many people in the house. I have no feedback other than sympathy, but I agree with WiredGeorge. I'd have a blood panel done, maybe get a variety of opinions from other practitioners. Stick with it-you'll find a way through.
Oh, my heart goes out to you! Yes, I completely empathize with your sentiment-it's like looking in the mirror! Started treatment about a month ago, and am very hit or miss. One trick I've found is that I need to go to bed in a TIMELY manner. Last night I stayed up late for book club, and it messed me up big time. I'm not sure if it would be helpful to you or not, but if you read some of my past posts you may find some ideas that I fished up. My newest favorite thing is my hose cover, which eliminates that annoying sound the hose makes overtime you move it around. I've also gotten a Dreamware mask in hopes that it will allow me to move around in bed more easily (I often wake after 2-3 hours when I go to roll over.). BUT I am afraid to rock the boat, so I haven't yet tried the new mask.
I used to wear earplugs before the CPAP because the husband snores to shake the walls. But now I find that the earplugs amplify the blowing sound of my breathing, which I find even more difficult to listen to. Not sure how to manage this yet, other than sending my spouse to the sleep clinic. I love the noice cancelling headphones idea-might try it, but I'm not much of a back sleeper.
Melatonin seems to be doing the trick! That, and going to bed earlier. I think I was avoiding the machine, and staying up too late. Now I go in early, and treat myself to reading in bed (it's my vice). I'm falling asleep VERY quickly now, even with the dumb blowing thing stuck on my face. Ugh. It's like being kissed by a sea lamprey.
I just happen to wear a bite splint (upper) and a retainer (lower), and I find that this helps keep my mouth shut and moist.
I don't have a complete answer to your question, but I'd love to hear one. I have nasal pillows, and have found that adjusting the fit modifies the sound. Also that I need to put the mask on BEFORE turning on the machine.
I LOVE that quote! Thanks for sharing your fabulous attitude.
I hate it when people use this forum for advertising. It's totally cheesy and lame.