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NIH study on sleep apnea... kind of dry but if you wade in down to the OUTCOMES, it shows some interesting data. The study was not written for someone with a 4th grade education like I have but I got the sense of what they were saying. Unfortunately, they didn't delve into PAP benefit or the outcome for patients who complied with PAP therapy.
This is a great post, wired george. I agree and wish we had more data on the outcomes for people who complied with therapy. It would be valuable to know the impacts to our health due to adherence to the treatment.
+0 points
about 7 years
If it helps, I have seen a stack of studies over the years which show the effect that adherence to PAP therapy has on longer term medical outcomes. All of the health risks from OSA drop away to the same level as the rest of the population or, in some cases, even better.
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