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+0 points
about 8 years
Original Poster
So, I am supposed to go on CPAP but it scares the heck out of me. I have noticed a lot of judgement from both the medical community and frankly some CPAP patients.
I have actually seen people write to newbie pleas for help with fear and anxiety to "put on your big boy pants and do it," " you just read about what will happen if you don't comply, and then you will", "this is a habit you are breaking, you need to be persistent to save your life, and "if you don't adjust, it is because you aren't trying hard enough."
Well, as a depressed widow, telling me I have to do this to save my life (no high BP, no heart problems, no diabetes, just loud snoring) is no motivator. And even expressing that gets judgement.
I am all alone, lonely and scared at 2 am. I don't see any Dr or therapist or friend or relative offering to come help. When I express this need I am told to increase my anxiety meds.
So, I have very little support in even trying this. I think I prefer going untreated to feeling like it do now, simply terrified and frozen. Haven't been able to sleep well at all since my diagnosis. Not looking forward to struggling alone with this machine. I don't think I can do it ðŸ˜
+1 point
about 8 years
Keep an eye open for the sucess stories. Keep in mind that MANY of the folks who visit this forum are here because of problems but there ARE positive stories where therapy made very positive improvements in sleep quality and overall health. When most people come with issues, then it appears issues dominate sleep therapy but once you start looking at folks you come in contact daily, you will find many many of them are using a CPAP machine and just see have no need to visit a forum of this sort.
I came here with problems; mainly lack of medical support and looking for information. Best way I can think of to cure trepidation at the approach of a CPAP machine is to educate yourself and pay special attention to the positive stories as these are folks who are suceeding in making this whole thing work! Good luck and follow up often. You don't need to only report problems but report those small wins that move you to better sleep!
Sorry to hear that you are scared Athena1965. I think it is a normal reaction. I have only been using my machine since January 12, 2017 but I can tell you that I am doing okay with it and I am not really having many problems adjusting to wearing the mask. I am still so new to this of course but I encourage you to start your cpap therapy. I haven't seen much in the way of results yet in regards to my energy levels/fatigue but I am very hopefully that I will soon.
My doctor told me about a support group in my area. Maybe there is one in your area too? Might be worth asking your doctor/cpap provider about.
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