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+0 points
almost 5 years
Original Poster
Hello, I have severe sleep apnea. I have tried several masks and adjustments to my machine. I usually end up tossing the mask off after 2 hours because I'm unable to sleep due to the feeling that I'm hooked up to a machine, tubing and a mask. It feels so cumbersome. I have only been on this for about a month and I dread even walking into my bedroom. Quitting is not an option for me because of my condition. I've heard of people saying they love their machine. Will that ever be me?
+0 points
almost 5 years
Hi Lynn
I confess that I felt the same way after the first few nights and still hate my machine and resent my dependence on it but, like yourself, I had no choice, so I persisted and eventually I resigned myself to the necessity and simply endured.
Others could give you loads of positive encouragement and advice but the best I can offer is that you are probably at the worst stage of the process.
+0 points
almost 5 years
It does take some time to get used to having that machine hooked up. While I hated mine for at least a couple of months, I have not got to the point where I look forward to putting it on. I know I will go to sleep quite quickly and stay asleep through the night. There are some tricks to getting a good mask fit, and in setting up the comfort settings on the machine. What kind of machine do you have and do you know what the pressure settings are?
I felt the same way at first, then after about 6 months, I began to actually feel comforted by wearing it. Lately, though, my mask leaks - anyway, suddenly a rush of air will come out. Now I dread wearing it again. Maybe I need a new mask as it's been 13 months. I hope you get used to it and get some relief.
+0 points
almost 5 years
I have been diagnosed for decades and still hate my machine but I keep trying. When you find the right pressure and the right mask and you wake up feeling great, it is sweet. Then there are still nights that I feel I fight the mask all night. Switching my pressure to an automatic setting was a complete game changer for me. If you haven't tried that, I do highly recommend it. You could also look at alternative therapies--dental, hypoglossal nerve stimulation for sleep apnea, positional therapy (Phillips), or weight loss. It is had to compliant when you are so frustrated but I want to encourage you to keep on keepin on.
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