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Ugly mask

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Ruby +0 points · almost 8 years ago Original Poster Sleep Commentator

I have used a CPAP machine for several years now and I know it helps me. I still struggle with leaks and face marks but sleep much better with it than without. My breathing gets very shallow and so my oxygen levels go down if I don't use my machine. In my head I know I need this therapy and I know it helps. I guess I have a love/hate relationship with it! I travel quite a lot with friends and we often share rooms to cut down on costs. Here is my issue--I am embarrassed for people to see me in my mask. I wear a full mask so I can't hide it. I don't even like my husband to see me wearing it so I usually sleep on my side away from him. Does anyone else have this problem? No one has ever made fun of me and are almost always very accepting so I don't know why it bothers me. I am going in for surgery later and will take my machine and use it if I have to stay overnight but it is causing me some concern. Isn't it silly? Any advice or comments would be appreciated.

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GregariousMagentaRoseCaterpillar4081 +0 points · almost 8 years ago

I felt like this when I had a nasal mask. I couldn't even look at myself in it, let alone my husband see me or anyone else. I would only put it on in the dark. I got a new type of nasal pillow called DreamWear. It is so small and the hose comes out of the headgear at the top of the head instead of at the nose. Now I don't feel that I can't stand being seen in it. I guess I am not really helping as you wear a full face mask. I do understand how you feel though.

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Ruby +0 points · almost 8 years ago Original Poster Sleep Commentator

You did help! At least I know there are others who have the same issues. It's good that you have found a pillow that works well and isn't as intrusive. They have come out with a much smaller machine so maybe they will work on the "glamour" part of it now!

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AgreeableSpringbudDragonfly4372 +0 points · almost 8 years ago

Hello, I'm going on week 2 of mine and I can't stand for my husband to see me in mine either but I now he just laughs at me and says finally he don't hear me snoring anymore.

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Ruby +0 points · almost 8 years ago Original Poster Sleep Commentator

My husband has NEVER made fun of me, thank goodness. His attitude is a lot like your husband--at least I'm not snoring. It's bad enough just having to wear it and get used to the leaks and face marks without feeling like Darth Vader! I do wish the companies would talk to the everyday person who has to deal with all of this.

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OrphanAnnie +1 point · almost 8 years ago

I hate mine as well and totally get where you are coming from

I had to tell someone at work to stop making fun of my mask and the fact I have to wear it the other day. I explained that I am very supportive of them and maybe they should return the favour.

Just remember the mask helps you with a medical condition, it's doesn't define you or impact you being a beautiful person.

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wiredgeorge +0 points · almost 8 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

Probably the worst fall out of therapy are the lines in my face that persist most of the morning. Someone is going to figure out a headgear that keeps these lines from persisting. I have to cinch up my lower headgear straps on my mask so it doesn't slip up over my mouth during the night. My wife also sewed some padding onto the upper straps and the rear over the back of my neck as they tend to dig even if not real tight as the straps are on the thin side. Poor headgear design is something to consider when choosing a mask even if the mask itself works great.

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Sherry +0 points · over 7 years ago Sleep Commentator

Just discovered Phillips Respuronics DreamWear Mask last week and feeling so much freedom with repositioning of the hose!

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