I have just been diagnosed with OSA 20 every hour not sure if that is alot or normal for OSA. I will be going for my second sleep study in which they will fit me with C-PAP I guess my question is related to asthmatic symptoms in the past 1 1/2 but never before in my life I am 46 and wondering has this happened to anyone else. Also I have been diagnosed with seasonal alergies in 2012 that require me to take zertec, nasal spray with steroid and they help for 24 hours. Wondering could those symptoms be interelated.
For Muzzy and others looking for A.W.A.K.E. groups near them, the America Sleep Apnea Association has a nice map that allows you to find a group near you.
The map is available here: http://www.sleepapnea.org/support/a.w.a.k.e.-network-map.html
Muzzy, perhaps one of the Illinois A.W.A.K.E. groups is near to you.
Welcome to MyApnea.org. Park Nicollet has a wonderful program. I don't know how close they are but they might be able to give you some guidance. Check their website for contact information: http://www.parknicollet.com/Medical-Services/Sleep-Disorders/Care-Team. Also check the American sleep Apnea Association: http://www.sleepapnea.org/support/a.w.a.k.e.
You might want to search some of the other forums for conversations about surgeries and tracheostomy. If you post specific questions readers answer. You can also propose a research question about these therapies in the "Rank the Research" section.