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I used it, until I saw this...from CPAPtalk.com
A CA scored by either the ResMed or Philips Respironics CA algorithm is very likely to be a "real" CA in the sense that the airway is clear (open). As such, a real OA is not very likely to be mis-scored as a CA on either a ResMed or Philips Respironics machine. Scoring a real central apnea (as scored on an PSG) .sleep study Polymonogarph ) does not depend on the patency of the upper airway; hence there is a higher probability that a real CA may be mis-scored as an OA by the Philips Respironics and ResMed CA detection algorithms Both the Philips Respironics and ResMed CA-detection algorithms are more likely to have problems detecting CAs at higher pressures. In other words, as the pressure increases, the chances that a CA is mis-scored as an OA increase
Whadda think now?
What is your take on OSCAR?