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Just another view..... be VERY careful about making any changes to your cpap pressure without reviewing that with your MD. It is real easy to set them too low or too high and create more problems. Talk to your MD before making any pressure changes.
This is something you really need to talk to you doctor about. Even with the apneas well controlled some folks still have the excessive daytime sleepiness you are describing. The doctors really don't know why but it happens. Talk to your doctor about what alertness medications might be appropriate for you. There are several. Sorry for the delay in responding. Haven't look at the forum for a while
Not really. A big question to ask your doctor is does your pallete block your airway while you sleep? That's sleep apnea. Only real way to find out is a sleep study. Ask them about if they think you need a sleep study?
I'm not aware of any specific medical literature on AHI/OSA and weight lifting. But increasing muscles in the neck area has anectdotal correlation in increased sleep apnea given other factors staying the same. There is a very high prevalance of osa in NFL lineman who while in top shape do lots of exercise to increase their neck strength. When you sleep the neck muscles relax collapsing the airway.
Hope this information helps.
The original post mentioned "( To date I have satisfied the compliance requirements...)" if you mean you met the initial insurance requirements for 4 hrs a night 70% of the nights for at least 30 of the first 90 days of treatment.... Don't worry if your cpap does not transmit data on the trip. An AS11 can story up to 1 years data internally without an SD card. When the cpap returns to getting US cell signals it will sync and upload the data to the ResMed server.
After meeting the intial 30-90 day compliance only time insurance normally requires cpap compliance data is if you order replacement supplies and file a claim. Then they will want to see 30 days compliance .
Have fun on the trip.
Gum irritation below a dental implant might... just might be related to dry mouth. Do you use water in your water chamber? If yes how much is gone in the morning? If you have more than about 1/4 of the tank left in the morning you could adjust the humidification setting higher to increase moisture.
If your mask leaks are minimal I don't think that would be an issue.
You might want to look at over the counter dry mouth products like xylimelts or a biotene gel mouthwash. Both are OTC products to help dry mouth issues.
Biggest thing I would do is talk to your dentist. What do they think? Not everything that goes wrong like getting some plaque is related to using cpap.
The FDA Medwatch program is designed to allow both medical professionals and patients to report problems such as this thread has been discussing. It would help other folks if you have had this problem to take the time to file a MedWarch complaint. Often a manufacturer will follow up to replace the unit so they can do their own testing. Good luck
Glad to see new resources posted.
Please let us know any other comments/thoughts about the new survey reports.
One of the general themes I have been pushing in comments and research suggestions in the potential for this program to provide data on occupational issues that relate to treatment of sleep apnea.
Yet, nowhere in the surveys is any data being collected in if a person completing a survey works in an occupation that has fitness for duty requirements where their treatment for sleep apnea is related to their keeping their job.
The other issue is that for the data collected to be more useful you need to be able to reach out and collect data from patients NOT compliant with treatment. Data on the reasons for non-compliance can be as powerful and useful as current data being collected.
With the current privacy set up for this project no truck driver not in compliance with CPAP therapy should provide data or complete a survey. Doing so has the real potential to land them in jail.
Informal efforts to get other truck drivers to participate have been met with hard resistance due to this issue.
The project needs to look at obtaining a certificate of confidentiality for patients employed in safety sensitive positions to be able to participate and complete surveys without the fear that their answer might be successfully subpoenaed at some time in the future.
I've used the allergen filters in the truck. But with all the dirt and dust in the truck they plugged up quick and didn't work too well.
For allergy season I've found nasal irrigation to help me a lot. It's kind of cleaning your body's natural filter - your nose.