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New to CPAP machine - tiny, painful pimples forming around my nostrils

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HelpfulYellowReindeer1715 +0 points · over 7 years ago Original Poster

I started with a CPAP machine 2 nights ago and have a pillow mask. I also have very sensitive skin (no allergies to latex though) and the area around my nostril on the bottoms is sore and has 2 ugly zits after the 2nd night of use. How can I avoid this? It hurts and is super ugly to boot -- vanity is an issue with me ;-) Any and all suggestions are appreciated!


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Ruby +0 points · over 7 years ago Sleep Commentator

There are cloth mask covers that might help with this. They are very thin and fit between your mask and your skin. Some are washable for a few times and others are disposable. It also helps to make sure your face is clean as well as cleaning your mask daily. Hope this helps a little.

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wiredgeorge +0 points · over 7 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

Not sure there are masks pads that work with nasal pillows. A mask pad is a piece of cotton (like from a tee shirt) cut to the shape of the mask pad on full face masks that fits onto the mask cushion. Suggest you look at a different style mask. I use an Amara View full face that doesn't have anything above my nostrils and may or may not help with your issue. You may consider a full face mask to avoid the sensitive area around your nose. I also use a Simplus and it doesn't touch my nose.

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Ruby +0 points · over 7 years ago Sleep Commentator

Sorry, I missed what type of mask you use. So the above reply could be spot on by trying a different mask. Best of luck to you!

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Sleep +0 points · over 7 years ago

Good points from others. There are nasal pillow liners which may help with the zits. Not sure if is just the newness of wearing a mask rubbing up against your skin that is causing the pimples or perhaps the mask is not fitting properly and causing the issue. Keep your face and mask clean which will help. You may want to try a different style mask as wiredgeorge suggests if the issue doesn't resolve.

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QueenAngie +0 points · over 7 years ago

Welcome to the world of CPap!

Always wash your face with soap, water, and a washcloth, then dry before you use your CPap. Makes for a better seal. Also, did you wash your mask initially before using it? That makes common sense as if you purchased new kitchen utensils, you'd wash them before you eat. Good luck!

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AffectionateRaspberrySeal4376 +0 points · over 7 years ago

I recently join the world of CPap Iam using the nasal pillow mask, it has two straps, no opening. I wake up in the morning with a sore nose and a bit inflame. They say you can't apply no cream with petroleum, like Vaseline that it can damage CPAP machine. I changed the nasal pillow size to a smaller size. I wash the nasal pillow, tube and humidifier dish 2x a week as advise by clinician. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks!!

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wiredgeorge +0 points · over 7 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

The obvious thing to try would be a different mask type; full face or perhaps one like the Amara View that is lighter and less obtrusive than most full face masks. If you can afford to experiment it might make therapy a lot more tolerable if you can find the right mask.

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barbz +0 points · over 7 years ago

Lansinoh, is a non petroleum cream that is ok to use. It is one created for mothers who are breast feeding. It helps protect, and also creates a good seal. This is the Walmart link, but most drugstores should also carry it in the baby section.

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sleeptech +0 points · over 7 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

Without knowing the exact make and model of your mask, I'm assuming that your mask has 2 prongs which seal against your nostrils. If you want a similar style, you could look at the Respironics Dreamwear mask. Rather than explaining it, I will suggest that you simply google some pics to get an idea of how it works. There is a version that sit under your nose but without the prongs. It may help.

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Theo +0 points · about 7 years ago

Respironics Dreamwear, LOL, $82 - $109 for a piece of plastic tubing. That's the medical field for you.

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sleeptech +0 points · about 7 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

Well, silicone rubber, but yes. Your point is very valid. You can't help someone unless there's a good buck in it for you. That'd be stupid.

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Dragonmate +0 points · over 6 years ago

I use philips dreamwear and also getting pimples in the nostrils.

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snuzyQ +0 points · over 6 years ago Sleep Commentator

Hi Dragonmate. You might try swabbing the insides of your nostrils with a qtip and some AYR Saline Nasal Gel just before you mask up for the night. I use the one that has added aloe vera in it. This is very soothing. You can find the AYR gel at any drug store.

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