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Res 9 auto shut off stopped working.

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CpapuserinSD +0 points · almost 6 years ago Original Poster

My auto shut off began to not work. It came on gradually, at first, just once in a while it would not shut off, then it got more and more frequent. Now it almost never shuts off and I have to reach over and shut it off manually. Also, I noticed the air turbine sound has been fluctuating. As a test, I removed the hose completely at the back, and then it did auto shutoff after a little while. Something must be going on with the pressure sensing. My machine is about 4 years old. I've used it every night with one or two nights when I didn't have it with me, but otherwise I use it religiously, even when I take naps which I do a lot because of chronic fatigue and autoimmune issues. I'm wondering how long these last typically. Maybe I'm due for a new machine thought I can't afford one right now any way. Any info is appreciated.

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Sierra +0 points · almost 6 years ago Sleep Patron

There are a couple of simple things to check. One is to ensure your inlet air filter is clean. The other is to check and see if your mask type is set properly. See this ResMed Chart for the correct settings.

Your machine should not be wearing out after 4 years. My wife's S9 is 4 years old and is going strong. If you know how to get into the clinical menu you can check the operating hours on the machine.

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Biguglygremlin +0 points · almost 6 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

My mask seems to have missed the boat. (or list) :(

Philips Nuance Gel Pillow Mask

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Biguglygremlin +0 points · almost 6 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

Hi CpapuserinSD

I'm still using an old Resmed S9

The first one I had was new still in it's box and ran for maybe 2 years before giving me troubles (shorting from the humidifier back to the machine and shutting itself down)

Then it was serviced and handed back to me but it began shorting again through the mask and I continued using it for a long time in that condition before finally exchanging it for another used Resmed S9 Resmed Electrical Short

This machine is not giving me any hassles yet but I suspect that 4 or 5 years is probably as far as they can be expected to survive.

Ok I checked mine and it's still hissing away after 5 mins.

The hose has been removed and it tells me there is a high level leak but doesn't shut down.

I have always presumed that the way to stop the machine was to hit the button.

I've never thought to check the unrestrained pressure function on any of my machines.

I recall it shutting itself down some days back while I was fumbling with an improvised chin strap so it can do it sometimes.

I find it quite annoying on the odd occasion when it has shut itself down.

I'm not even sure why the machine would be given that option.

Surely the protection of the machine is not more important that the protection of the patient.

I would prefer that it kept hissing in my ear when the mask comes off in the middle of the night.

So I won't be in a hurry to get it checked.

This also means that if the machine shuts down while the patient is asleep the data would be essentially misleading.

My main concern would be if the failure to shut down extends to other safety issues.

This is probably Sierra's forte, knowing if it is an option or an issue.

I have also experienced what seemed like obvious pressure or flow fluctuations from time to time with both Resmed S9 machines.

I don't know what causes them or, perhaps more importantly, why they don't persist.

These discrepancies have been noticeable enough to make me curious and concerned at the time but then the ignore and persist files cut in and things return to normal.

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