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AirFit N20 Short Tube W/Elbow not getting a tight seal

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sleepapnea +0 points · almost 6 years ago Original Poster

Has anyone experienced the AirFit N20 Short Tube W/Elbow leaking a the connection point to the nasal pillow? Every night I have to disconnect and reconnect the short tube several times before I get a good seal.

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Sierra +0 points · almost 6 years ago Sleep Patron

I have not used that particular mask. I tried the F20 but could not make it seal so gave up on it. I use the P10 mask combined with the Swift FX headgear. With either mask I do not disconnect the hose at the mask, and I am not even sure I can with the P10. I just disconnect it at the connection to the main hose. If I need to get up in the night to use the washroom, I just flip the attached hose over my shoulder and leave the mask on my face.

I guess that might be a workaround, but it does the trick for me...

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Biguglygremlin +0 points · almost 6 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

I use a Nuance and the short hose keeps falling out where it pushes into an acrylic swivel which plugs into the main hose

The main hose also keeps falling off where it slides onto the swivel junction.

It's hard to figure how to keep it all together and still have a functional swivel.

I was wondering if thread tape would help keep it from falling off.

There is a pretty pink one that plumbers use. :)

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sleeptech +0 points · almost 6 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

When you plug the elbow into the cushion of the N20 mask, there are 2 clips - one on each side. It is very easy for them not to click in properly and this could be the cause of the leak you mention. Also, the exhaust vent for your mask on the elbow. You should be able to feel air coming out there - this is an important part of the normal operation of the mask. If you look at it, you should be able to see small perforations on the elbow (do not block them). You may have felt the air coming out of the exhaust vent and thought it was a leak.

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