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2Sleepy +0 points · over 9 years ago


You have a good sense of humor.

I think the down side of having your mouth open while using CPAP is that the air is escaping out of your mouth instead of being gently directed to your lungs. So it is interfering with the effectiveness of the CPAP treatment. It can be a hassle getting CPAP to work effectively, but I think it is worth going the extra mile to try to work out a solution.

Remember that you are hearing this from someone who has only been using CPAP for 3 months. You might get other suggestions here and/or the DME or sleep specilaist might have further suggestions.

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TheresaS +0 points · over 9 years ago

@PhilosophicalPinkQuelea3435 - DME stands for Durable Medical Equipment - otherwise known as the CPAP dealer.

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2Sleepy +0 points · over 9 years ago


I am also a dinosaur.

DME stands for "durable medical equipment." The company that provides your CPAP equipment and supplies might be able to help you with alternatives.

The company that provides mine has a customer support line that connects me to a clinical person for suggestions and help. I had to be persistent to get through to them, but the person I spoke with did give me some tips that helped (different issue for me, not the chin issue)

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cap6302 +0 points · over 9 years ago

I thought I should check in. I am 68 yo Male with OSA diagnosed in 1999. I had it for longer than that as I was prone to snoring I had slept in most rooms of the house after my wife woke me up to change rooms. Most morning I woke up with the little headache in the middle of my forehead (home of your CO receptors). My Dr. asked my wife if I stopped breathing while snoring, she said yes and the rest is history. Mine OSA was not caused by being overweight or inactive as I was a 190# 6'1" Fire Captain with an active life. For the past 15 years I have become the "poster child" for using my machine. My sleep doc's words, not mine. I don't even nap without it!
Thanks for reading my lifes story. Don

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TheresaS +0 points · over 9 years ago

@cap6302 - Welcome, Don! Glad to hear you are a happy CPAP user!

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SIRIRAJAN +0 points · over 9 years ago

I am 69 yersold. I was widowed @ 43 years of age. raised 3 sons @ 42 they were 12,11 ND 6YEARSOLD. FULL TIME JOBS FOR 12 YEARS AND JOB ENDED. NO JOB SEARCHING HERE, AND THERE STRUGGLED WITH FAMLIY. HAD stroke @57years old. heavY medications no insurance still got personal health insurance with high pay for pre-existing conditions.now I ended up with type 2 diabetic & high blood pressure. taking one tablets each for the cause and medicare pays.This is my writing. who will write my storey. many incidents happened.

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pickle330 +0 points · over 9 years ago

The GOLDEN YEARS sure aren't as good as they were built up to be??? I have had 13 surgeries, and really don't want more. I had quadruple by pass surgery 5 years ago and this sleep thing is a tough one, I have a hard time with the mask, I'll do it, if it keeps me alive. But according to 1 heart Dr. its too late, She said she couldn't have me as a patient, because I would die in my sleep???? Needless to say, she is NOT my Dr. anymore. I guess that old saying that getting old "ain't for sissies"

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ConsiderateLimeCrow9586 +0 points · over 9 years ago

Hi my name is Debra. I found out that I have sleep apnea about eight months ago. I have been on the correct pressure now for a few months. I say correct pressure because when I did my sleep study they had my pressure at five. I've since found out that they were way off, and they now have my pressure at ten. The problem is despite using my cpap every night I still feel very fatigued and sleepy during the day. I don't have mask leaks and I'm on the right pressure finally so I don't understand why there's no difference in the way I'm feeling. It's frustrating.

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UnderstandingHarlequinTrout2882 +0 points · over 9 years ago

I was diagnosed with OSA in 2009. My sleep doctor at BWH thought it was perhaps due to gaining alot of weight over the previous 4 years. I used a CPAP machine for two years and then discovered Provent Therapy. The very positive is that they work wonderfully and only involve a small sticker-like circle that you put over your two nostrils. They each have a small vent in them. i sleep soundly and wake up like I used to (before having OSA). The very negative thing about them is that insurance doesn't cover them and they aren't cheap. But they allow me to go camping, traveling, etc. without my CPAP machine and allow me more comfort and intimacy with my husband. I use my health reimbursement account that i have at work to cover their cost. I noticed on the surveys that Provent was not one of the options. Perhaps it could get added. I look forward to reading more on this website.

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pickle330 +0 points · over 9 years ago

HI DEBRA, I had the study done and they preset my mask at 17, a lot of pressure. I think that is why I'm having the problem with my mouth opening. AND, TRUTHFULLY, I don't feel any better??? Maybe I would if I could sleep all night, but thats not happening until the right mask is found??? AND, they are too expensive so I'm stuck with this "pig nose"

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BraveCobaltBlueLeopard7967 +0 points · over 9 years ago

Hello, I was pleased to receive a letter from BWH about this group. Sleep apnea affects my life in a very big way. I am constantly sleepy, have difficulty concentrating due to lack of sleep and am often irritable. I have undergone UPPP surgery with a tonsillectomy and repair of a deviated nasal septum. It has helped very much but I am still very tired during the day plus my sleep quality is poor. I am looking at something called Inspire...a throat stimulation mechanism that works somewhat like a heart pace maker. Does anybody have any feedback on this? Also, as a last resort I would consider the mandibular advancement such as Mike Napoli of the Red Sox had. Any feedback on that? I simply cannot tolerate at CPAP machine. I am happy this group does exist and want to improve my sleep quality, especially for my wife and son.

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Missjudi +0 points · over 9 years ago

Aloha Friends Io had a pacemaker implanted in October 2014 due to Afib and tachycardia and bradycardia. Even with procedures I continued to have Afib. A month ago my cardiologist suggested I do a sleep clinic to see if sleep apnea could be a contributing to factor to my Afib. I learned I have moderate sleep apnea so today I got my machine and a mask for my nose. I'm seriously claustrophobic so we decided not the full face but the one that goes into the nose. In reading I see that its important to use distiller water so tomorrow I will go by the store to pick some up. I'm encouraged by reading some of your posts as I was feeling pretty low with the diagnosis.. I'm hoping it will work for me and help my Afib. Thanks for the sharing of information

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ImpartialBronzeSquid8571 +0 points · over 9 years ago

Hello, Just joined the group and completed my third night using the CPAP and full face mask. Took me 5 years to get diagnosed and a bit apprehensive of what lies ahead. Managed first 3 nights OK. Any advice on air temperature settings. Mine is on 20C (as the clinic's original setting of 27C seemed a bit high?).

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pickle330 +0 points · over 9 years ago

I TOO, am in A-FIB or some time in A-FLUTTER, and I have a pacemaker. The DR.S have trued shocking my heart back into rythmn, which works, but in a few nights it was back out of rythmn. I t would go out between 2-3:30 AM, while sleeping. SO diagnosed with sever apnea. I wear the mask, started with a full face( too tight and cut my nose) now I wear the pig nose. Its very hard to get used to, I have a hard time adjusting the fit each night. HOPEFULLY, some morning I will wake up feeling good, AND BE HEALED

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pickle330 +0 points · over 9 years ago

My machine is set on 17, and I think that's high. AND it is ,because I open my mouth at night, that lovely air if forced in my mouth, and leaves it horribly dry. SOMEDAY, I will get used to "the mask"

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Missjudi +0 points · over 9 years ago

Aloha Friends As I indicated yesterday I've just received my machine. Tonight will be first night to use. The young lady who went thru explanations said I would get a new hose.. One that is a warm hose as opposed to the cold one that came with machine. Any ins/out in how to use the warm hose and cleaning instructions and best to do every day? I laid in bed wondering if warm air could set up breeding ground for infections if not careful. She didn't really explain the use of warmed hose vs cold hose.. Any ideas as to why the preference? Mahalo pickle330 for sharing your story.. Much appreciated

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TheresaS +0 points · over 9 years ago

@Missjudi - I have cleaned the warm hose every day for that reason. Once you get into the habit of cleaning it, it isn't any trouble at all. The manufacturer probably has given instructions for less often, but I feel the way you do- Why invite trouble :-)

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pickle330 +0 points · over 9 years ago

Missjudi I wish you well on your first time!! People I know insist that once you get the mask adjusted it works?? They say they feel great in the mornings and very rested??? SO FAR for me it's a very trying time, I did actually get 5 hours sleep last night, undisturbed by leaks or noises. GOOD LUCK TO YOU, AND HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND

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