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Amara View Connector Tube

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baseten -1 point · about 8 years ago Original Poster

I have finally found a mask that solves a lot of the problems --- The Amara View, but I am having trouble with the connector tube to the mask. It makes a leaking sound, but I cannot feel any air escaping. It's quite loud and resembles a mask leak in sound, but the mask is perfectly sealed. If I move it around, I can eventually get it to stop making the sound, but it starts again when I fall back to sleep and move slightly. I've tried detaching and reattaching it, but that does not solve the problem.

Has anyone else had this problem? How have you solved it? I really like the mask and would like to keep using it.


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wiredgeorge +0 points · about 8 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

The Amara View has become my go-to mask. Never had the issue you describe. Perhaps a new hose would be the answer. They ain't cheap.


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baseten +0 points · about 8 years ago Original Poster

That you haven't had that problem is encouraging. My pressure setting is 15-18. Do you think that is too high for the mask?

It's actually on loan to me from the doctor so maybe when I order one, it will not have that problem. I was also wondering if a connector tube that has rubber fittings at either end might solve the problem. Are you aware of any manufacturer that might make a tube that fits?

Thanks for your help.

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sleeptech +0 points · over 7 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

I've taken them to higher pressures than that plenty of times with no particular problems. I seriously doubt that you will get a third party tube as it is proprietary Respironics gear.

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wiredgeorge +0 points · about 8 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

I received tubes from my DME; any fitting from the mask will fit the tubing as there is a small sleeve adapter to space up the size of the smaller mask inlet (Simplus mask uses the sleeve). The Amara View is a direct fit and the sleeve just comes off. The pressure you are using in much less than mine; I am at 25/21 (bipap inhale and exhale pressures; they drop the pressure a tad on exhale stroke to make it a bit easier to exhale). Doubt your pressure settings are too high. If you have loaner equipement, ask them for another hose! that clips to the mask and another hose that comes from the machine; one or the other may be the cause of the noise, I guess.

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baseten +0 points · about 8 years ago Original Poster

Thank you wiredgeorge. You always have good suggestions. The doctor did another sleep study to find the right levels as he is switching me over to bipap. I asked for the sleep lab's Amara View this time instead of my own, and still had the same problem at the very end, but when I moved the hose a little, the noise stopped. My end pressure was 14/10 --- obviously no where near as high as your settings. And the noise was less on the bipap as opposed to the cpap.

I have also tried the Quattro FX. The mask sound increases as the pressure increases, but the sound makes sense to my ear, and is still relatively quiet. The Amara view sounds more like a leak, and yet there is no leak. On the Bipap, the noise was only present on the inhalation and only at the higher pressures.

I'm going to stick with the Amara View because the mask is so comfortable. Hopefully, my brain will start to realize that there is no leak.

Also, what do you think of the Respironics Dream Station, or do you have another suggestion for a bipap machine. Do you have any helpful hints to make the adjustment to a bipap, or is it no big deal?

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sleeptech +0 points · over 7 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

I have had a bit of a play with the DreamStation and it seems very good. It has the best humidifier design I've seen (simplest to use and clean). I have yet to issue a bunch to patients yet and get their feedback though.

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wiredgeorge +0 points · about 8 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

Can't help you on type of machine. I was issued a Resmed AirCurve 10 V-Auto machine by my DME which obviuosly has a Bipap mode and I think a CPAP and perhaps an APAP mode. The other modes don't offer as high a pressure setting (think they cap at 20) as the Bipap mode.

Most folks who BUY stuff will tell you their stuff is the best as this reinforces their self-image regarding the intelligence of their decision. In the case where a DME issues a machine, like mine, can't say it is best, worst or in between. I can't also speak intelligently about going from one mode to another as the 25 pressure setting forced the Bipap mode and the 21 exhale setting was likely arbitrary, I suspect. I couild probably tolerate 25 exhale. I turned the ramp off as well and think if there was an even higher pressure setting, it would probably be just fine.

The main advantage of the higher settings is that while some folks complain they can't use their machine while stuffy, my setting has ALWAYS made me breathe easier, even with a stuffy nose and I look forward to using the machine for that reason. Initially, while I figured out the leak issue, therapy could be a bit annoying but I think I am past that point and I really can't sleep without my security blanket (the machine of course).

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SensibleSangriaLemur7119 +0 points · almost 8 years ago

Hey I do have same issues with Amara view I liked it but the problem is that noise I have to hold pipe in certain way to stop noise and bipap machine it is setup high pressure 26 please if you get solution share me by contacting my email Socoro@hotmail.com thanks

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baseten +0 points · almost 8 years ago Original Poster

Sorry SensibleSangriaLemur,

I have not found a solution, except to use ear plugs, and I can't reach anyone from the company to seek their advice. Good luck. I hope you can solve it.

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PhilosophicalPurpleRaven9251 +0 points · almost 8 years ago

Are you sure it's the hose that is making the noise and it's not coming from the hole vents on the mask itself? I have the Amera View and I do not have a problem with the hose making a noise.

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wiredgeorge +0 points · almost 8 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

It occurs to me that there is one thing that will cause noise coming from your machine; if the filter is filthy to the point it is obstructed, then the machine can howl. My DME didn't tell me there was a filter and I found it by accident trying to figure out why my machine was howling and after cleaning the filter, the noise went away. Later when they sent supplies, filters were included. Probably should have read the manual.

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baseten +0 points · almost 8 years ago Original Poster

Thank you for your replies. Yes, the hole vents are not the source of the rattle. It actually is the connector tube. I've had my husband isolate the sound as well just to make sure I was identifying it correctly. And the noise was not coming from the machine. I check the filter every week, and change it regularly.

I actually have changed to a nasal mask that I like, although I'm working at present to solve some other problems with it.

Thanks again.

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WittyBlueSalmon3680 +0 points · over 7 years ago

I have the same issue with the amara view connector tube causing a loud sound as if it were coming from the mask. My wife thinks its a leak and she just want me to get a new one but it fits so well so I tried getting a new tube thinking that was the issue but nope it still does it. It has to do with the pressure I believe because my pressure is also high around 10-15 usually 12-14 range. I am going to have to try a new one.

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sleeptech +0 points · over 7 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

Do you use a humidifier? If you are getting condensation in the mask/tube it can make odd sounds. I have only played with one a little, but the DreamStation seems fine. It has about the simplest humidifier setup I've seen. Having said that, The latest model ResMed BiPAPs (which they call VPAPs), the AirSense range, are good too. There's little to separate them. The DreamStation also has slightly simpler controls.

When you say " make the adjustment to a bipap", what sort of adjustments are you talking about? The pressure settings should not be fiddled with.

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ToughPinkPenguin6456 +0 points · over 7 years ago

I've used Amara View for almost 2 years, I also thought was leaking around connector as when I held it, the air noise Seemed to lessen. When my PA reviewed her records which were more detailed than what I get on the Dashboard, she said it wasn't leaking, but this was air from escaping from the safety valve blowing up against whatever was in front of the valve.

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sleeptech +0 points · over 7 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

If you have the tube going up from the mask and over your head, then the air coming out of the exhalation port will blow on the tube and make extra noise. Also, the Amara View seems to fit best when it its nice and snugly under your nose. If it is too low it doesn't seal properly around the nose. You could try moving it up a little, but from the descriptions the noise is nor from the mask. I find all of this quite surprising as I have used the Amara View on a lot of patients and watched/listened to it for many hours during studies without coming across this problem. When someone examines the data from your machine and says there is no leak, they are simply going by the fact that your leak level is within normal limits. That doesn't completely rule out the possibility of a small but noisy leak.

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