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MyAir app

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Helsal +0 points · over 4 years ago Original Poster

I assume the app begins recording sleep info as soon as you put your mask on, right? So, even if I'm reading or lying in bed wide awake, the app will record the time doing those things as "usage hours"? Also, while I'm awake with the mask on, am I actually having "events"? The app suggests so. I'm confused. Help!

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Sierra +0 points · over 4 years ago Sleep Patron

I don't actually use the MyAir app as it captures only limited high level data. Instead I use SleepyHead (OSCAR), which shows you all the detail during the night second by second. But, in general data is collected for the whole time the machine is on. The events are suppressed during the ramp period, but the time is counted as the total use time. So reading time in bed if the mask is on and the machine running is counted as usage hours. However if the machine is in the ramp period those events are ignored. After the ramp period, if you hold your breath for more than 10 seconds it will be counted as an OA event. Hope that helps some.

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Helsal +0 points · over 4 years ago Original Poster

Do you know if SleepyHead would override the MyAir app currently giving me data? I get it on my Android phone, but I think I can get SleepyHead only on my computer, right? Thanks!

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Sleepea +0 points · over 4 years ago

The machine records the data and then sends the data to a data collection site when your session is compleate or the machine has been turned off for a while. The data center processes the data and sends it to MyApp.

As long as the machine is on, (see Sierra's post) you are having events, but they may be false positive events. At one point I was awake, had my mask on, laughed or sighed, I made some sort of throat sound, and the machine reported it as a snore. I used Sleepyhead to see it was reported as a snore.

The app isn't any better than the webpage. I uninstalled the app and use the webpage either from my phone, tablet or desktop. https://myair.resmed.com/Default.aspx)

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Sierra +0 points · over 4 years ago Sleep Patron

The one thing to remember about MyAir is that the data being transmitted wirelessly is very limited. The real detailed data is only kept on the machine SD card. Your provider is not reviewing the detailed data unless you bring the card in to them to look at with the ResMed application. The data sent wirelessly is mainly for insurance compliance purposes. Some people have their machine taken away if they don't use it often enough.

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Sleepea +0 points · over 4 years ago

I picked up my ResMed machine last year. Because of COIVD the sleep center canceled my 2020 appointment. I didn't get a chance to disucuss the data with my doctor. I am a techy kid of guy so I would pay attention to what the doctor knows, and if they asked me to bring in the card. Oddly enough when I picked up my new ResMed machine last year the tech told me it didn't come with an SD card. I thought this was odd. My neighborhood has a few cellular dead zones, I asked him what if the machine can't send my data, he told me to bring the whole machine in. I want to ask the guy who runs the CPAP machine/supplies section but I don't see him around often.

I don't know how much data the machine sends back to ResMed... but you better believe they are selling the data. I read a few articles on how they are selling your sleep information. It might be more detailed than you think. I can't find those articles now, I wanted to post them. I was looking around the web for the articles on ResMed selling data. Different articles said ResMed has the MyAir app for patients but according to the articles I read the doctors get more detailed views for clinical use. They probably do get a lot more information than you think.

Come to think of it, the doctors must get more detailed information because the doctor can change the settings remotely if you are having problems.

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Sierra +0 points · over 4 years ago Sleep Patron

Every ResMed machine is shipped with a SD card in the slot. Some dealers take them out for I would suggest less than up and up reasons.

If you are really worried about what get sent wirelessly, there is a method to disable it. I have not done it, because I think if someone is so bored that they want to look at my sleep data, they can jump to it. In any case you can find the information in this forum post. However, if you damage your machine in the process you are on your own.

Semi-Permanently Disabling the Modem on an AirSense 10

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Sleepea +0 points · over 4 years ago

I am not too worried about the data but everything about people is bought and sold. Nobody cares about privacy anymore.
The machine is paid off but the insurance still wants to make sure I am using it for the supplies so the data is important to them.

I have no idea what the tech would want a 1g card for. I don't think you can buy 1g cards anymore, if you can, they are probably more expensive than a 4g card.
I could see someone taking SD cards for themselves but it is such limited storage now and storage is relatively inexpensive.

I had SD cards sitting in a drawer. I was sure the machine came with one but I used my own.

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Sierra +0 points · over 4 years ago Sleep Patron

The A10 machines come with a 4 Gb card, and my wife's S9 has a 2 Gb. You are right in that cards that small are really hard to find now. I suspect the main reason dealers take them out is to prevent customers from looking at their own detailed data, and instead come back to them for support. The sad part of that thinking is that when there is no card in the machine then no detailed data get captured at all. Both the user and the supplier are in the dark. They can't even help you if you come to see them.

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