The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) is currently working on a focused update of its clinical practice guideline on the Diagnostic Testing for Adult Obstructive Sleep Apnea. This guideline will provide recommendations on new devices and technologies for diagnosing adults with obstructive sleep apnea. This guideline will have an important impact on standardizing physician practice and ensuring that patients get the best quality care.
AASM physicians are currently reviewing the scientific literature to update these guidelines; however, they also want to know what you think:
We are reaching out to you, MyApnea.Org patients, to see if you are interested in contributing to this project as a patient stakeholder. The AASM is looking for 4-5 volunteers; if you are interested, please get in touch! Sharing the patient perspective will allow AASM to develop a clinical practice guideline that is useful to both physicians and patients.
Who can volunteer?
If I volunteer to be a patient stakeholder, what happens next?
Who do I contact? If you are interested, please email Gerard Carandang at