If you are like most people, the diagnosis of sleep apnea was a surprise. All of a sudden you have words and phrases like 'hypopnea', 'titration', and 'polysomnogram' thrown at you. Maybe you are told about treatment options, maybe not. Maybe you were told about other health issues that can occur or be made worse with untreated sleep apnea. Keep reading
We all know that sometimes life is hard. Things just don’t seem to go our way no matter how much we work at them. A post from a person on the forum got me thinking about this. Not that I haven’t thought about it before but I didn’t realize that others felt the same. Sometimes, it’s the little things. First though, let’s talk about the big things. Just some examples from my personal story but I would bet you have lots of your own. Keep reading
Do you ever feel that your medical provider visits are rushed? Do you leave feeling confused or neglected? Many of us feel frustration when dealing with our medical providers because it seems like we are not being heard, taken seriously, or even cared about. For most of us, having a meaningful conversation with our health care provider just doesn't happen. At SLEEP 2017, the MyApnea.org patient leaders, with help and guidance from Dr. Keep reading
Like most of you that might read this blog, I could list "patient" as my occupation. Not that we are hypochondriacs (far from it) but we often suffer with multiple health issues. Besides general health problems like colds, flu, aches and pains most of us also deal with sleep problems, diabetes, heart conditions, arthritis, and the list goes on and on and on. Keep reading
I have sleep apnea and use a full face mask. I am learning what it means to have sleep apnea and the dangers of being misdiagnosed or undiagnosed. I understand the health issues that can and often do go along with sleep apnea. I believe that I need to educate myself as much as possible because I am the only one who truly has control of my health. I also have Restless Leg Syndrome and fibromyalgia. Maybe it's just me but people don't seem as ready to talk about having sleep apnea. Keep reading
This isn't a blog about how long it took before I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. It isn't about finding a good sleep doctor or the sleep studies I have had. It isn't about the type of apnea I have, or about the treatment options, or what my health risk factors are with sleep apnea. These are all very important and need to be addressed and understood but this blog is about how it affects me emotionally and socially. Keep reading