My wits ended a long long time ago.
And I'm awake when I shouldn't be ..... again.
So I thought I might create another disorder.
I've managed to gather quite a collection through the decades but as with all collections it's nice to add a new one from time to time.
It gives me the opportunity to dust them off and shuffle them around a bit and step back and admire them.
My latest addition to the collection has a label that says Gaps in Upper Molars so it's like a two for one kind of deal where I get not just a new disorder but also a whole new acronym to add to my resume!
It's nice to achieve something so meaningful in the early hours of the morning! :).
Biguglygremlin, Certifiable Rabble Rouser, RSL, PTSD, CFS, PLMD, RBD, APNEA, RUTS, GUM
What do you reckon?
Should I randomise .... alphabetise .... exorcise .... euthanise?