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Joined Jan 2022

61 year old active male, clinically diagnosed with Central Sleep Apnea in 2020.

Joined Jan 2022

61 year old active male, clinically diagnosed with Central Sleep Apnea in 2020.

Well there is a clear scientific observation that connects patients with CHF to CSA. So they believe that CHF can lead to CSA and vice versa. Some scientists want to start studies into whether or not the development of CSA is a natural response to CHF in order for the body to moderate its PaCO2 levels...THAT is way out in the woods for me:-)

Studies also show that "treatment emergent CSA" is a thing, meaning that the long term CPAP therapy for OSA, leads to the development of CSA. (Remember that CSA itself was only isolated as a disorder back in 2008 at Mayo clinic so it is a relatively new subject and under intense study, internationally.) BUT I have also seen studies that suggest " treatment emergent CSA" will go away by itself within 6-8 weeks, after OSA CPAP therapy stops, but who would stop their therapy, unless they get an "implant surgery", like "INSPIRE" at a cost of like $30 K.??

This being said, it does not mean that people can't just develop Central Apnea without CHF (I am an example of that). There is also a clear scientific consensus that "UNTREATED CSA or OSA" will eventually lead to all kinds of Cardiovascular issues, including and not limited to CHF, however it is believed that the long term use of opiates can also be a driver of CSA.

As to O2 therapy for patients with CHF and Centrals, it makes a lot of sense because CSA folks (again like me) can watch their blood oxygen saturation level (SpO2) drop significantly overnight, if they are not using ASV therapy. I would imagine that supplemental Oxygen used in conjunction with PAP therapy for this group (CHF+CSA) would be very efficient and beneficial because CJHF itself is a cause for lowered SpO2.