That information is helpful, but it would be much better to include the whole Daily Detail screen which shows the events bar, and the graphs including pressure, mask pressure, flow, snore, flow limitations, and leak rate. To show as much as you can on one screen, use the F10 (PC) key to hide the right menu bar. Click on the triangle beside the date to hide the month calendar. Use File, Preferences, Appearance, to uncheck the "Show events breakdown pie chart" box. F12 saves the screen. Post it here with a new Write a Reply so you get full width to display it.
What is unusual about your data shown beside the very high AHI number is that so much of it is Unclassified. I suspect that is because you have an extremely high leak rate on your mask - 77% over the leak redline (25 L/min). Ideally this number should be close to zero. In any case the machine has a hard time classifying events when the leak rate is high, so that is the likely reason for the high unclassified. Total time in apnea of 1.25 hours is really high too. As Sleeptech has said, having the 95% pressure number at your maximum for pressure of 15 cm indicates the machine is maxed out on pressure. I would suggest increasing max pressure to 20 cm since you are in auto mode, if you are comfortable doing that yourself. Otherwise you should request a pressure increase from your sleep clinic. Here is a video on how to get into the setup menu to change the pressure if you decide to do it yourself. It should be right at the top of the menu list under Therapy.
More pressure however, is likely to increase mask leakage, and it is way too high already. I see from an earlier post you are using the F&P Simplus Full Face mask. Perhaps Sleeptech or others can give you some tips on how to fit the mask properly. I have no experience with that mask.
In any case, if you can post the full screenshot of the Daily Report detail, I could provide better comments.