First, it is good that the A11 is now working better. I am not certain the setup for the AutoRamp is quite right yet. You have the display zoomed in somewhat so I can't see the pressures at the start of the night. In any case this is how I would set up the AutoRamp. Here is a rundown on what I would suggest for settings:
Mode - AutoSet
Minimum Pressure - 6 cm (but I would suggest trying 7 cm)
Maximum Pressure - 10 cm (but you may be able to reduce that after some experience)
Ramp Time - Auto
Start Pressure - 6 cm (but I would suggest trying 7 cm, Start Pressure cannot be above Minimum Pressure)
EPR - On
EPR Type - Ramp Only
EPR Level - 3 cm
When you have the Ramp Time set to Auto, it will hold the pressure at the Start Pressure level of 6 cm. But as I suggested setting minimum pressure and the Ramp Start at 7 cm may be more comfortable and more effective. With the EPRR on, set to Ramp Only, and the EPR Level at 3 cm, it will reduce the exhale pressure by 3 cm until the auto ramp decides you are asleep (up to a maximum of 30 minutes). However when the Ramp Start and Minimum pressure is at 6 cm, it cannot reduce the pressure any lower than 4 cm as that is the lower limit on the machine. So you will only get an EPR of 2 cm. However if you start at 7 cm, then you will get the full 3 cm EPR. If you move the Mask Pressure graph up you can see the pressure being reduced on each exhale, and then flattening out once you go to sleep. When set up like this it should be easy to breath without restriction while you are going to sleep. I find a higher pressure makes it easier. My Ramp Start pressure is 9 cm. Looking at your results it seems you pressure never goes below 8 cm, so you minimum and Ramp Start could be set as high as 8 cm. That would make breathing easier when going to sleep.
Once you fall asleep the machine will stop reducing the pressure on exhale. The hope is that the pressure will not be as high however, and the pressure does not go so high in auto. The overall object with doing this is to control the OA events without having the pressure go as high. And if the pressure does not go as high, then hopefully the CA events will be reduced too.
If a sweet spot is not achieved, then there is one more adjustment that could be tried. That would be to switch the machine into fixed pressure CPAP mode. Then you adjust the pressure up and down to try and find a sweet spot where both OA and CA frequency is low. But, I would exhaust the settings in Auto first before trying that.