Hi Gatlin247, I can relate to your feelings on CPAP. I have a love-hate relationship with my apap as well, but I have grown to consider it a life-line of sorts. Without using it, I really don't have a life because being tired all the time isn't really living life to the fullest. I'm still looking for a full-face mask that will fit my small face that doesn't require constant vigilance and non-movement to keep it sealed. In the mean time, I have found a partial solution in making a nasal mask work to keep me going using cpap. There have been a lot of improvements in cpaps and masks since I was diagnosed and I am hopeful that I will eventually find the "perfect" combination or something better may come along:)
Hi TooTall, Its great that you have made the connection between atrial fibrillation and sleep apnea and have made a committment to keep your heart healthy.
If your sleep efficiency remains low, please talk to your doctor. You want to be sure that the pressure prescribed is appropriate -that changes in pressure or airflow over the night are not causing disturbances in your sleep; also that the mask prescribed is as comfortable as possible. Good luck and hope you start sleeping better soon! The Learn page has some information on CPAP that may be useful.
Even tho I am a newbie at this, I really don't mind too much having to wear a CPAP. What I do dislike is waking up about every 30-60 mins with a very dry mouth and throat. It doesn't seem to matter whether I wear the face or nose mask. I have a-fib, high BP and pulmonary hypertension so I know I must conquer this "life-saver". I end up drinking a lot of water at night and of course you know what that means!
Newly diagnosed with mild sleep apnea and new to this forum. I used my CPAP for the first time last night, with a nasal mask. I never thought of myself as a mouth breather, but I woke up several times during the night either drooling and/or feeling extremely dry in my mouth and throat. I chose the nasal mask because it seemed like it would be more comfortable than the full-face mask, but now I'm wondering if I made the right choice. I can return this one within 30 days and exchange it. Any thoughts/advice would be much appreciated!
I love my CPAP machine. I have never slept so well. Unfortunately, the medical industry in its desire to get rich off of other peoples misery, makes it impossible to get assistance with a CPAP machine without an overpriced Sleep Therapist. I am looking for replacement air filters for my AirSense 10 and so far have only been able to obtain very low quality sort-of close replacement filters.
ResMed's site is only interested in selling products not supporting their products nor provide information to get the support needed. They are even too afraid to put an email address on their site. I guess they do not want to hear how terrible they are for not supporting their product.
Does anyone have a suggestion to find quality air filters for an AirSense 10 CPAP?
I don't trust the sleep therapist I saw; she would not listen. I swear she must hold stock in companies that make nasal pillows and did not want to hear why I didn't want to use them. She charged my insurance $6000 for a machine that I found on line for less than $2000. A psychologist friend of mine, who is self-insured, buys all his supplies online, so that's what I do now. My ResMed machine may no longer be made. I bought filters for another one and cut them to size for my machine. I just saw the new mask I bought from Easy Breath advertised on Amazon for about $30 less than I paid. So shop around to compare prices.
Try www.cpap.com
I believe that most companies do have a 30 day exchange. Another option would be to add a chin strap. I use a nasal pillow mask and a chin strap as opposed to a full face mask. They also make nasal cushions for your mask which will make it much more comfortable. I ordered mine at cpap.com.
Im new to CPAP and the forum. I rather enjoy my cpap since it gives me a much better night sleep. I have actually started dreaming again. Im using my first choice mask an AirFit N10 by Resmed. I was having leak problems but some advice from another forum i belong to helped take care of that. There has only been 2 nights since getting my cpap that i havent slept for 7+ hours.
I do not like my either of CPAPs at all.
It keeps my wife up. I sleep worse with it than without. It keeps my wife up. They were very expenisve, especially the new one. It keeps my wife up. The entire process was negative experiance. It keeps my wife up. using it hurts my sinuses, causes my nose to run nonstop and i sneeze excessively. It keeps my wife up. In summary I feel it took a tone of time, cost a lot, hurt a lot with little or no noticble improvements in how I feel. As I think back it was more like 13 to 15 years.
I had an AHI of 16 and needed a BIPAP machine to effectively treat the issue. I just retired from the local volunteer fire department and was used to masks. Priior the the BIPAP, my wife noticed I didn't breath at times and was very shallow breathing at others. I snored badly and talked in my sleep with restlass sleep full of odd dreams. The biggest issue was that my blood oxygen went down into the low 70s during my sleep study.... I don't have enough brain cells as it is and this apparently is a dangerous condition.
My BIPAP has fixed what ails me. I now sleep very very soundly (like a log) and no longer have to get up during the night. I have an oxygen measuring gizmo I can wear at night and am excited to check how things are going. I had trouble with mask seal initially and lower back pain but I am past these things now and enjoy a great night sleep.