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Cpap issues

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steve2208 +0 points · about 6 years ago Original Poster

Hi all I received my ResMed cpap device around 10 days ago and I’m determined to master it however as on a previous forum I can’t sleep with it either ! My main concern is the air seal and the noise it makes every time the seal is broken it wakes me up . ive tried adjusting the straps to the point it is tight and uncomfortable but even then it still escapes ive averaged 4.5 hours a night since I got it and most of them hours I’m struggling and juggling. With the mask. So I end up taking it off . And bizarrely that’s when I fall sleep! The pressure is 4 bar is that normal ? Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated as I have to go back to the hospital next week for a review

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Sierra +0 points · about 6 years ago Sleep Patron

Have a look at the display and report back what you see when you start the machine up. It should look something like this if it is the AirSense 10 model. The pressure(s) in the top right are you min and max, or if a single number a fixed pressure. The one in the middle is the current starting pressure for the ramp. The symbol in the bottom left is the type of ramp.

I suspect you mean 4 millibar, not 4 bar. Millibar convert almost exactly to the cm of water commonly used in North America. That said a pressure of 4 is very low and could feel suffocating. But, it should not leak. I presume you are using a full face mask? Perhaps provide the model name and others may be able to provide some suggestions. My preference is to use a nasal pillow mask like the ResMed AirFit P10. If you have issues with opening your mouth, again my preference is to address that with mouth taping instead of going to a full face type.

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Ruby +0 points · about 6 years ago Sleep Commentator

No matter how well your mask fits, it will still leak at times like when you roll over. Be patient. You will get used to the leaks and while they may still wake you up, you should go back to sleep once you fix the leak. Keep at it until you find a mask that works well. It is a process but if you keep at it, it will get better. While I understand that some people have success with mouth taping, it isn't for everyone. If you need and feel better with a full face mask then don't feel guilty for using one.

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steve2208 +0 points · about 6 years ago Original Poster

Thank you Sierra and Ruby for taking the time to respond to me I do appreciate it. Your right it is an Air Sense 10 model but the screen shows me “pressure 4-20 “ not the same as yours , when I turn it on then stabilises at 4 millibars (not 4 bar) as I said earlier . I take on board you suggestion of a nasal pillow but I move about that much in bed I doubt i will be any where near it when I eventually wake. The last few days I’ve struggled with it leaking adjusting the mask then tightening the straps and before you know it it’s 2am which is ridiculous . I’m supposed to be getting better sleep! . I’m sure the equipment is correct I’m wondering about you suggestion Sierra about the nasal pillow mask air fit p10 i’ll Try that as I normally breath using my nostrils anyway. I don’t actually have a snoring problem it’s just I move and twitch a lot in bed and keeps the mrs awake as well to the point she no longer sleeps with me. I’ll look into you both suggestions and respond with some feedback Thanks again for your comments

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Sierra +0 points · about 6 years ago Sleep Patron

This means that your therapy air pressure is set to a minimum of 4 cm of water and maximum of 20 cm. That is the default for the machine as it comes out of the box from the factory. It is generally hard trying to breathe when the pressure is as low as 4 cm. If you have any option to take the machine back to alter the settings, I would suggest you ask them to increase the minimum to 7 cm, set an AutoRamp with a start pressure of 7 cm, and EPR at 3 for Ramp Only. That should give you a much more comfortable going to sleep experience.

The machine is not really locked. You can find detailed instructions for the machine at this link.

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lugnut +0 points · about 6 years ago

I had problems like that and still fiddle with mine. I added a teeshirt liner last night and loosened straps. It leaked but i didnt hear it. The leak wasn’t terrible. 20.4 . I made a new liner today hoping to bring it down to 14-16 range, and still have comfort. My AHI is 2 or less average now. 8 lb to 14 lb. pressure

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steve2208 +0 points · about 6 years ago Original Poster

Hi lugnut I don’t really understand what you are explaining when you talk about the pressure figures or what the AHI actually means as I have no access to that information on my “ResMed Air series10 machine” . I’ve just noticed most of those on this forum live in America and therefore I can only assume you have all had to purchase your machines yourself ! I live over the pond in England and the hospital provided me with my machine after I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, the controls for me to use are restricted I can only view the hours used per day with a smilie face if the seal was good or an unhappy face if bad also the pressure (usually 4 millibars) on start up. I’m guessing the data is stored either on a memory card or possibly online via WiFi back to the hospital . Sorry to sound thick but what was the reason for the liner as I’ve only had this machine two weeks and no one mentioned any liner at the hospital. Does anyone wake up in the morning absolutely blown up with air? To the point of being really being really uncomfortable? It then takes around half an hour to get rid of the sed wind through natural ways lol,!

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FrankFrog +0 points · about 6 years ago

Hi Steve, I am a UK user. Have just joined the forum in fact. Similarily got the Airsense 10 Resmed machine. Good old NHS. You can log on to a website https://myair.resmed.eu/ to see how well you're doing if you haven't already. That will give you more information. Yes, the data is stored on a memory card which the doctor/specialist will look at/analyse when you have your first meeting with them. No one has mentioned a liner to me, either, so don't worry. And yes, being blown up with air seems to be pretty normal from what I have read online and felt myself in the limited time I have used the machine!

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Sierra +0 points · about 6 years ago Sleep Patron

The image below shows you where the machine is storing and sending data. The most detailed data is on the SD card which should be in a slot on the left side near the top. If you have a PC or Mac with a SD card reader you may want to download SleepyHead which you can use to view your data. The software is freeware and currently undergoing some issues with further upgrades. I use version 1.0.0 beta 2 and it seems to work fine. SleepyHead will tell you where your pressures are going during the night and what your leaks are and when.

SleepyHead Download

On the blown up with air issue, the machine must be going to a fairly high pressure during the night. Most get used to it after a while. The other option is to have them limit the maximum pressure until you get used to it. Your maximum currently seems to be 20 which the maximum the machine can do.

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Biguglygremlin +0 points · about 6 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

Hi Steve2208

My first CPAP machine also comes from a hospital across a different pond and normal policy would have the controls and info limited in the same way

It was necessary for me to gain access to the controls normally limited to the suppliers and clinics.

Most here have done the same thing.

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Ruby +0 points · about 6 years ago Sleep Commentator

Getting used to having a belly full of air isn't going to happen. When it wakes you up several times a night and you have to get rid of that horribly uncomfortable amount of air then your sleep is just as impaired as if you weren't using your machine. There has to be a middle-ground (at the very least) between getting enough air pressure to do you good and not inflating like a balloon.

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jeffez +0 points · about 6 years ago

I'm in Houston on day 13 with Resmed Aircurve 10 S BIPAP (trying to get swapped to AUTO version) It's set to deliver level 16 pressure in and 12 out. Started with Resmed F20 mask, kept waking up fiddling with mask because of major leaks. Tightened to stop leaks and pressure on face was uncomfortable and left facial marks in AM. Didn't like restricted vision and couldn't use glasses very well to read screen. Next tried a Resperonics Dreamwear Nose Pillow, Medium frame, Large pillow. Worked better and hose attached at top of head instead in front, better mobility, finally got leakage under control. Not a mouth breather, but still exhaled a little from mouth every 5-10 breaths, which woke me, so I taped lips, (suggested on this Forum), which eliminated that. Didn't like tape much. Requested a revisit with Dr's. sleep and fitting coordinator for a refitting. She suggested try a Resperonics Dreamwear Full Face Mask this morning and fitted it. Tried it on 1 hr nap this PM and seems OK so far. Hose attaches at top of head, straps allow good fit adjustment. Can use my glasses better than Resmed F20 mask. I hope problem is solved. Still going to lobby for AUTO machine. Tonight we'll see about new mask.

With humans having such a variety of face shapes it seems we're stuck with trial and error on the masks. I'm hoping getting a REAL full night of sleep will resolve my myriad of health issues over time. It's a shame that the "sleep industry" doesn't have an easier method of getting us started on the best solution from the get-go.

Super big THANK YOU to all the contributors who have made this Forum so valuable for us out here "bumping" along the path to good quality slumber!


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Sierra +0 points · about 6 years ago Sleep Patron

I think your machine is compatible with SleepyHead and you could probably learn a lot about what is going on by using it. Is there a reason you were put on a BiLevel machine instead of a standard machine?

On the aerophagia have a look at this link for some information.

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jeffez +0 points · about 6 years ago

Think my sleep lab pointed to needing help with exhale. Thus 16 in and 12 out. Will ask Dr specifically on next visit. I'm still requesting an AUTO Resmed for more control/setting of pressure variables. As I "understand" the algorithm will adjust on each breath based on detectable needs.

Thanks for aerophagia reference. Good info. Haven't experience bloating, etc. yet. Especially the words ..."EPR (expiratory pressure relief) on ResMed brands."

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steve2208 +0 points · about 6 years ago Original Poster

Hi All Thank you for all your comments and things to try . I’m back at the hospital on the 7th of March so I will ask all the relevant questions you have all kindly contributed. The last two days the air pressure in my body in the morning has been so painful I was unable to stand up straight until I managed to get rid of the unwanted wind. I’m going to try a night off it tonight to see if it makes me feel better tomorrow. Thanks

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Ruby +0 points · about 6 years ago Sleep Commentator

Please check with your doctor or sleep person if this continues and definitely let them know how bad it is at your hospital visit. Let me know too if a night without the machine makes a difference.

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steve2208 +0 points · about 6 years ago Original Poster

Hi Ruby The past 4 nights I’ve slept ok without the CPAP machine I’m beginning to wonder if they have made the correct diagnosis? I’ve just had an angiogram yesterday to check heart valves aren’t blocked and got the 👍 so it’s nothing to do with that. I have two doctors in my family , my sons an anaesthetist and son in law it a GP one saying I should be getting the best sleep ever and the other is the opposite, just goes to show you can’t always expect the correct answer from a doctor eh. I’ll find out more next week after my follow up appointment and let you know what the outcome is Thanks again for everyone’s comments

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bonjour +0 points · about 6 years ago Sleep Commentator

Your machine is compatible with Sleepyhead. Download from [https://www.apneaboard.com/sleepyhead/]. With it you will be able to view details of what is happening down to a breath by breath level if necessary. The important charts for initial analysis are Flow Rate, Flow Limit, Pressure, Leak Rate and Snore. (you can vertically shrink Flow Limit, Leak Rate and Snore to fit all on one page, also don't need the pie chart and calander on the left.)

This is much better info that the averages that you typically look at.


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jeffez +0 points · about 6 years ago

Hey, Steve.

Thanks for all good comments here. This is copied from my comment on: "Could it be sleep Apnea?" I'm on day 26 of my Resmed Aircurve 10 S BIPAP with 3rd mask trial, a DreamWear full face w/nose pillow & mouth covering( I like mask). Pushing Dr. to give me an AUTO version of Resmed. I had 2 sleep lab tests. Dr. monitors my results via wifi.

Ran across this device GO2SLEEP: AI-Powered Device For Restful Sleep on PCWorld: https://shop.pcworld.com/sales/go2sleep-ai-powered-device-for-restful-sleep?utm_source=pcworld.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=go2sleep-ai-powered-device-for-restful-sleep_020519&utm_term=scsf-317065&utm_content=a0x1P000004fpQg&scsonar=1

$69 - 6.90 (1st time order discount) +$2.99(shipping) = $65.09 (Price ending in 2 days.) So I ordered 1 from them for Mar 7 delivery. Amazon offers same device for $129. It reports data on smart phone app. Multiple users, so you can share with family and friends that have sleep issues. (You will gain many new friends!) (Hey, might be a great pickup line in bars or online dating. LOL) Remember approx 80% of AP goes undiagnosed. Among many outputs it reports oxygen in blood also, WHICH I WANT TO KNOW. Take a look. Site says it EXPIRES IN 2 DAYS.

Can't give you any results until March 7+. All sales final. I have no connection to this product, but gonna take a chance!


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