If wishes were thrushes, or fishes, or horses ........
Unfortunately it takes more that wishing to make it so.
What would it take for such a simple and seemingly sensible suggestion to become a reality?
1) Acknowledgement that auto machines are not omniscient. That they can and sometimes do deliver less than optimal results.
2) Acceptance that handing over a CPAP machine requires more than just confirming that it is, in fact, in the box.
3) Allocating the time and effort required to choose and implement responsible, safe settings.
Personally I don't trust machines any more that I trust anything or anybody so I have been advising CPAP users to reduce the maximum limit on their machine for some time now.
I see no justification for enabling a machine to increase the pressure beyond what would be safe and comfortable for the user and I doubt that many people could endure pressures as high as 20 without potentially dangerous consequences but I don't see things changing anytime soon.
On a less dire note but still relevant to the points above, how many users have a machine that did not know the correct time when it was supposedly 'set up' for them?